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Android APIs
Added in API level 1
public static interface



Class Overview

This interface is used to make sure that the text entered in this TextView complies to a certain format. Since there is no foolproof way to prevent the user from leaving this View with an incorrect value in it, all we can do is try to fix it ourselves when this happens.


Public Methods
abstract CharSequence fixText ( CharSequence invalidText)
Corrects the specified text to make it valid.
abstract boolean isValid ( CharSequence text)
Validates the specified text.

Public Methods

public abstract CharSequence fixText ( CharSequence invalidText)

Added in API level 1

Corrects the specified text to make it valid.

invalidText A string that doesn't pass validation: isValid(invalidText) returns false
  • A string based on invalidText such as invoking isValid() on it returns true.

public abstract boolean isValid ( CharSequence text)

Added in API level 1

Validates the specified text.

  • true If the text currently in the text editor is valid.