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Android APIs
public interface

Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A helper interface with constants used by the serialization implementation.


int PROTOCOL_VERSION_1 Stream protocol version 1.
int PROTOCOL_VERSION_2 Stream protocol version 2.
byte SC_BLOCK_DATA Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass.
byte SC_ENUM Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass.
byte SC_EXTERNALIZABLE Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass.
byte SC_SERIALIZABLE Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass.
byte SC_WRITE_METHOD Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass.
short STREAM_MAGIC The stream header's magic number.
short STREAM_VERSION The stream header's version number.
byte TC_ARRAY Tag to mark a new array.
byte TC_BASE The minimum tag value.
byte TC_BLOCKDATA Tag to mark a block of optional data.
byte TC_BLOCKDATALONG Tag to mark a long block of data.
byte TC_CLASS Tag to mark a reference to a class.
byte TC_CLASSDESC Tag to mark a new class descriptor.
byte TC_ENDBLOCKDATA Tag to mark the end of block data blocks for an object.
byte TC_ENUM Tag to mark a new enum.
byte TC_EXCEPTION Tag to mark an exception.
byte TC_LONGSTRING Tag to mark a long string.
byte TC_MAX The maximum tag value.
byte TC_NULL Tag to mark a null object reference.
byte TC_OBJECT Tag to mark a new object.
byte TC_PROXYCLASSDESC Tag to mark a new proxy class descriptor.
byte TC_REFERENCE Tag to mark a reference to an object that has already been written to the stream.
byte TC_RESET Tag to mark a stream reset.
byte TC_STRING Tag to mark a new string.
int baseWireHandle Handle for the first object that gets serialized.
public static final SerializablePermission SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION Permission constant to enable subclassing of ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.
public static final SerializablePermission SUBSTITUTION_PERMISSION Permission constant to enable object substitution during serialization and deserialization.


public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION_1

Added in API level 1

Stream protocol version 1.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION_2

Added in API level 1

Stream protocol version 2.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final byte SC_BLOCK_DATA

Added in API level 1

Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass. Indicates that an externalizable class is written in block data mode.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final byte SC_ENUM

Added in API level 1

Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass. Indicates that a class is an enum type.

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final byte SC_EXTERNALIZABLE

Added in API level 1

Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass. Indicates that a class is externalizable.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final byte SC_SERIALIZABLE

Added in API level 1

Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass. Indicates that a class is serializable.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final byte SC_WRITE_METHOD

Added in API level 1

Bit mask for the flag field in ObjectStreamClass. Indicates that a serializable class has its own writeObject method.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final short STREAM_MAGIC

Added in API level 1

The stream header's magic number.

Constant Value: -21267 (0xffffaced)

public static final short STREAM_VERSION

Added in API level 1

The stream header's version number.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final byte TC_ARRAY

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new array.

Constant Value: 117 (0x00000075)

public static final byte TC_BASE

Added in API level 1

The minimum tag value.

Constant Value: 112 (0x00000070)

public static final byte TC_BLOCKDATA

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a block of optional data. The byte following this tag indicates the size of the block.

Constant Value: 119 (0x00000077)

public static final byte TC_BLOCKDATALONG

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a long block of data. The long following this tag indicates the size of the block.

Constant Value: 122 (0x0000007a)

public static final byte TC_CLASS

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a reference to a class.

Constant Value: 118 (0x00000076)

public static final byte TC_CLASSDESC

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new class descriptor.

Constant Value: 114 (0x00000072)

public static final byte TC_ENDBLOCKDATA

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark the end of block data blocks for an object.

Constant Value: 120 (0x00000078)

public static final byte TC_ENUM

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new enum.

Constant Value: 126 (0x0000007e)

public static final byte TC_EXCEPTION

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark an exception.

Constant Value: 123 (0x0000007b)

public static final byte TC_LONGSTRING

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a long string.

Constant Value: 124 (0x0000007c)

public static final byte TC_MAX

Added in API level 1

The maximum tag value.

Constant Value: 126 (0x0000007e)

public static final byte TC_NULL

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a null object reference.

Constant Value: 112 (0x00000070)

public static final byte TC_OBJECT

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new object.

Constant Value: 115 (0x00000073)

public static final byte TC_PROXYCLASSDESC

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new proxy class descriptor.

Constant Value: 125 (0x0000007d)

public static final byte TC_REFERENCE

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a reference to an object that has already been written to the stream.

Constant Value: 113 (0x00000071)

public static final byte TC_RESET

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a stream reset.

Constant Value: 121 (0x00000079)

public static final byte TC_STRING

Added in API level 1

Tag to mark a new string.

Constant Value: 116 (0x00000074)

public static final int baseWireHandle

Added in API level 1

Handle for the first object that gets serialized.

Constant Value: 8257536 (0x007e0000)


public static final SerializablePermission SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION

Added in API level 1

Permission constant to enable subclassing of ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.

public static final SerializablePermission SUBSTITUTION_PERMISSION

Added in API level 1

Permission constant to enable object substitution during serialization and deserialization.