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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object
implements Serializable
   ↳ java.math.MathContext

Class Overview

Immutable objects describing settings such as rounding mode and digit precision for the numerical operations provided by class BigDecimal .


public static final MathContext DECIMAL128 A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 quadruple decimal precision format: 34 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.
public static final MathContext DECIMAL32 A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 single decimal precision format: 7 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.
public static final MathContext DECIMAL64 A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 double decimal precision format: 16 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.
public static final MathContext UNLIMITED A MathContext for unlimited precision with HALF_UP rounding.
Public Constructors
MathContext (int precision)
Constructs a new MathContext with the specified precision and with the rounding mode HALF_UP .
MathContext (int precision, RoundingMode roundingMode)
Constructs a new MathContext with the specified precision and with the specified rounding mode.
MathContext ( String s)
Constructs a new MathContext from a string.
Public Methods
boolean equals ( Object x)
Returns true if x is a MathContext with the same precision setting and the same rounding mode as this MathContext instance.
int getPrecision ()
Returns the precision.
RoundingMode getRoundingMode ()
Returns the rounding mode.
int hashCode ()
Returns the hash code for this MathContext instance.
String toString ()
Returns the string representation for this MathContext instance.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final MathContext DECIMAL128

Added in API level 1

A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 quadruple decimal precision format: 34 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.

public static final MathContext DECIMAL32

Added in API level 1

A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 single decimal precision format: 7 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.

public static final MathContext DECIMAL64

Added in API level 1

A MathContext which corresponds to the IEEE 754 double decimal precision format: 16 digit precision and HALF_EVEN rounding.

public static final MathContext UNLIMITED

Added in API level 1

A MathContext for unlimited precision with HALF_UP rounding.

Public Constructors

public MathContext (int precision)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a new MathContext with the specified precision and with the rounding mode HALF_UP . If the precision passed is zero, then this implies that the computations have to be performed exact, the rounding mode in this case is irrelevant.

precision the precision for the new MathContext .
IllegalArgumentException if precision < 0 .

public MathContext (int precision, RoundingMode roundingMode)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a new MathContext with the specified precision and with the specified rounding mode. If the precision passed is zero, then this implies that the computations have to be performed exact, the rounding mode in this case is irrelevant.

precision the precision for the new MathContext .
roundingMode the rounding mode for the new MathContext .
IllegalArgumentException if precision < 0 .
NullPointerException if roundingMode is null .

public MathContext ( String s)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a new MathContext from a string. The string has to specify the precision and the rounding mode to be used and has to follow the following syntax: "precision=<precision> roundingMode=<roundingMode>" This is the same form as the one returned by the toString() method.

IllegalArgumentException if the string is not in the correct format or if the precision specified is < 0.

Public Methods

public boolean equals ( Object x)

Added in API level 1

Returns true if x is a MathContext with the same precision setting and the same rounding mode as this MathContext instance.

x object to be compared.
  • true if this MathContext instance is equal to the x argument; false otherwise.

public int getPrecision ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the precision. The precision is the number of digits used for an operation. Results are rounded to this precision. The precision is guaranteed to be non negative. If the precision is zero, then the computations have to be performed exact, results are not rounded in this case.

  • the precision.

public RoundingMode getRoundingMode ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the rounding mode. The rounding mode is the strategy to be used to round results.

The rounding mode is one of UP , DOWN , CEILING , FLOOR , HALF_UP , HALF_DOWN , HALF_EVEN , or UNNECESSARY .

  • the rounding mode.

public int hashCode ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the hash code for this MathContext instance.

  • the hash code for this MathContext .

public String toString ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the string representation for this MathContext instance. The string has the form "precision= roundingMode= " where is an integer describing the number of digits used for operations and is the string representation of the rounding mode.

  • a string representation for this MathContext instance