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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ java.sql.Types

Class Overview

A class which defines constants used to identify generic SQL types, also called JDBC types. The type constant values are equivalent to those defined by X/OPEN.


int ARRAY The type code that identifies the SQL type ARRAY .
int BIGINT The type code that identifies the SQL type BIGINT .
int BINARY The type code that identifies the SQL type BINARY .
int BIT The type code that identifies the SQL type BIT .
int BLOB The type code that identifies the SQL type BLOB .
int BOOLEAN The type code that identifies the SQL type BOOLEAN .
int CHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type CHAR .
int CLOB The type code that identifies the SQL type CLOB .
int DATALINK The type code that identifies the SQL type DATALINK .
int DATE The type code that identifies the SQL type DATE .
int DECIMAL The type code that identifies the SQL type DECIMAL .
int DISTINCT The type code that identifies the SQL type DISTINCT .
int DOUBLE The type code that identifies the SQL type DOUBLE .
int FLOAT The type code that identifies the SQL type FLOAT .
int INTEGER The type code that identifies the SQL type INTEGER .
int JAVA_OBJECT The type code that identifies the SQL type JAVA_OBJECT .
int LONGNVARCHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGNVARCHAR.
int LONGVARBINARY The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGVARBINARY .
int LONGVARCHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGVARCHAR .
int NCHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type NCHAR.
int NCLOB The type code that identifies the SQL type NCLOB.
int NULL The type code that identifies the SQL type NULL .
int NUMERIC The type code that identifies the SQL type NUMERIC .
int NVARCHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type NVARCHAR.
int OTHER The type code that identifies that the SQL type is database specific and is mapped to a Java object, accessed via the methods getObject and setObject .
int REAL The type code that identifies the SQL type REAL .
int REF The type code that identifies the SQL type REF .
int ROWID The type code that identifies the SQL type ROWID.
int SMALLINT The type code that identifies the SQL type SMALLINT .
int SQLXML The type code that identifies the SQL type SQLXML.
int STRUCT The type code that identifies the SQL type STRUCT .
int TIME The type code that identifies the SQL type TIME .
int TIMESTAMP The type code that identifies the SQL type TIMESTAMP .
int TINYINT The type code that identifies the SQL type TINYINT .
int VARBINARY The type code that identifies the SQL type VARBINARY .
int VARCHAR The type code that identifies the SQL type VARCHAR .
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int ARRAY

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type ARRAY .

Constant Value: 2003 (0x000007d3)

public static final int BIGINT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type BIGINT .

Constant Value: -5 (0xfffffffb)

public static final int BINARY

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type BINARY .

Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)

public static final int BIT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type BIT .

Constant Value: -7 (0xfffffff9)

public static final int BLOB

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type BLOB .

Constant Value: 2004 (0x000007d4)

public static final int BOOLEAN

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type BOOLEAN .

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final int CHAR

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type CHAR .

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int CLOB

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type CLOB .

Constant Value: 2005 (0x000007d5)

public static final int DATALINK

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type DATALINK .

Constant Value: 70 (0x00000046)

public static final int DATE

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type DATE .

Constant Value: 91 (0x0000005b)

public static final int DECIMAL

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type DECIMAL .

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int DISTINCT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type DISTINCT .

Constant Value: 2001 (0x000007d1)

public static final int DOUBLE

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type DOUBLE .

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int FLOAT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type FLOAT .

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int INTEGER

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type INTEGER .

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int JAVA_OBJECT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type JAVA_OBJECT .

Constant Value: 2000 (0x000007d0)

public static final int LONGNVARCHAR

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGNVARCHAR.

Constant Value: -16 (0xfffffff0)

public static final int LONGVARBINARY

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGVARBINARY .

Constant Value: -4 (0xfffffffc)

public static final int LONGVARCHAR

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type LONGVARCHAR .

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

public static final int NCHAR

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type NCHAR.

Constant Value: -15 (0xfffffff1)

public static final int NCLOB

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type NCLOB.

Constant Value: 2011 (0x000007db)

public static final int NULL

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type NULL .

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int NUMERIC

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type NUMERIC .

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int NVARCHAR

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type NVARCHAR.

Constant Value: -9 (0xfffffff7)

public static final int OTHER

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies that the SQL type is database specific and is mapped to a Java object, accessed via the methods getObject and setObject .

Constant Value: 1111 (0x00000457)

public static final int REAL

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type REAL .

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int REF

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type REF .

Constant Value: 2006 (0x000007d6)

public static final int ROWID

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type ROWID.

Constant Value: -8 (0xfffffff8)

public static final int SMALLINT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type SMALLINT .

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int SQLXML

Added in API level 9

The type code that identifies the SQL type SQLXML.

Constant Value: 2009 (0x000007d9)

public static final int STRUCT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type STRUCT .

Constant Value: 2002 (0x000007d2)

public static final int TIME

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type TIME .

Constant Value: 92 (0x0000005c)

public static final int TIMESTAMP

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type TIMESTAMP .

Constant Value: 93 (0x0000005d)

public static final int TINYINT

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type TINYINT .

Constant Value: -6 (0xfffffffa)

public static final int VARBINARY

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type VARBINARY .

Constant Value: -3 (0xfffffffd)

public static final int VARCHAR

Added in API level 1

The type code that identifies the SQL type VARCHAR .

Constant Value: 12 (0x0000000c)