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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements Serializable
   ↳ java.util.logging.LogRecord

Class Overview

A LogRecord object represents a logging request. It is passed between the logging framework and individual logging handlers. Client applications should not modify a LogRecord object that has been passed into the logging framework.

The LogRecord class will infer the source method name and source class name the first time they are accessed if the client application didn't specify them explicitly. This automatic inference is based on the analysis of the call stack and is not guaranteed to be precise. Client applications should force the initialization of these two fields by calling getSourceClassName or getSourceMethodName if they expect to use them after passing the LogRecord object to another thread or transmitting it over RMI.


Public Constructors
LogRecord ( Level level, String msg)
Constructs a LogRecord object using the supplied the logging level and message.
Public Methods
Level getLevel ()
Gets the logging level.
String getLoggerName ()
Gets the name of the logger.
String getMessage ()
Gets the raw message.
long getMillis ()
Gets the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.
Object[] getParameters ()
Gets the parameters.
ResourceBundle getResourceBundle ()
Gets the resource bundle used to localize the raw message during formatting.
String getResourceBundleName ()
Gets the name of the resource bundle.
long getSequenceNumber ()
Gets the sequence number.
String getSourceClassName ()
Gets the name of the class that is the source of this log record.
String getSourceMethodName ()
Gets the name of the method that is the source of this log record.
int getThreadID ()
Gets a unique ID of the thread originating the log record.
Throwable getThrown ()
Gets the Throwable object associated with this log record.
void setLevel ( Level level)
Sets the logging level.
void setLoggerName ( String loggerName)
Sets the name of the logger.
void setMessage ( String message)
Sets the raw message.
void setMillis (long millis)
Sets the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.
void setParameters ( Object[] parameters)
Sets the parameters.
void setResourceBundle ( ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
Sets the resource bundle used to localize the raw message during formatting.
void setResourceBundleName ( String resourceBundleName)
Sets the name of the resource bundle.
void setSequenceNumber (long sequenceNumber)
Sets the sequence number.
void setSourceClassName ( String sourceClassName)
Sets the name of the class that is the source of this log record.
void setSourceMethodName ( String sourceMethodName)
Sets the name of the method that is the source of this log record.
void setThreadID (int threadID)
Sets the ID of the thread originating this log record.
void setThrown ( Throwable thrown)
Sets the Throwable object associated with this log record.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public LogRecord ( Level level, String msg)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a LogRecord object using the supplied the logging level and message. The millis property is set to the current time. The sequence property is set to a new unique value, allocated in increasing order within the VM. The thread ID is set to a unique value for the current thread. All other properties are set to null .

level the logging level, may not be null .
msg the raw message.
NullPointerException if level is null .

Public Methods

public Level getLevel ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the logging level.

  • the logging level.

public String getLoggerName ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the name of the logger.

  • the logger name.

public String getMessage ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the raw message.

  • the raw message, may be null .

public long getMillis ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.

  • the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.

public Object[] getParameters ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the parameters.

  • the array of parameters or null if there are no parameters.

public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the resource bundle used to localize the raw message during formatting.

  • the associated resource bundle, null if none is available or the message is not localizable.

public String getResourceBundleName ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the name of the resource bundle.

  • the name of the resource bundle, null if none is available or the message is not localizable.

public long getSequenceNumber ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the sequence number.

  • the sequence number.

public String getSourceClassName ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the name of the class that is the source of this log record. This information can be changed, may be null and is untrusted.

  • the name of the source class of this log record (possiblity null )

public String getSourceMethodName ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the name of the method that is the source of this log record.

  • the name of the source method of this log record.

public int getThreadID ()

Added in API level 1

Gets a unique ID of the thread originating the log record. Every thread becomes a different ID.

Notice : the ID doesn't necessary map the OS thread ID

  • the ID of the thread originating this log record.

public Throwable getThrown ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the Throwable object associated with this log record.

  • the Throwable object associated with this log record.

public void setLevel ( Level level)

Added in API level 1

Sets the logging level.

level the level to set.
NullPointerException if level is null .

public void setLoggerName ( String loggerName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the name of the logger.

loggerName the logger name to set.

public void setMessage ( String message)

Added in API level 1

Sets the raw message. When this record is formatted by a logger that has a localization resource bundle that contains an entry for message , then the raw message is replaced with its localized version.

message the raw message to set, may be null .

public void setMillis (long millis)

Added in API level 1

Sets the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.

millis the time when this event occurred, in milliseconds since 1970.

public void setParameters ( Object[] parameters)

Added in API level 1

Sets the parameters.

parameters the array of parameters to set, may be null .

public void setResourceBundle ( ResourceBundle resourceBundle)

Added in API level 1

Sets the resource bundle used to localize the raw message during formatting.

resourceBundle the resource bundle to set, may be null .

public void setResourceBundleName ( String resourceBundleName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the name of the resource bundle.

resourceBundleName the name of the resource bundle to set.

public void setSequenceNumber (long sequenceNumber)

Added in API level 1

Sets the sequence number. It is usually not necessary to call this method to change the sequence number because the number is allocated when this instance is constructed.

sequenceNumber the sequence number to set.

public void setSourceClassName ( String sourceClassName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the name of the class that is the source of this log record.

sourceClassName the name of the source class of this log record, may be null .

public void setSourceMethodName ( String sourceMethodName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the name of the method that is the source of this log record.

sourceMethodName the name of the source method of this log record, may be null .

public void setThreadID (int threadID)

Added in API level 1

Sets the ID of the thread originating this log record.

threadID the new ID of the thread originating this log record.

public void setThrown ( Throwable thrown)

Added in API level 1

Sets the Throwable object associated with this log record.

thrown the new Throwable object to associate with this log record.