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Android APIs
public class


extends FilterOutputStream

Class Overview

The CheckedOutputStream class is used to maintain a running checksum of all data written to a stream. The purpose of this checksum is to establish data integrity, by publishing the checksum to other parties wanting to read the non corrupted data.


Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
CheckedOutputStream ( OutputStream os, Checksum cs)
Constructs a new CheckedOutputStream on OutputStream os .
Public Methods
Checksum getChecksum ()
Returns the checksum calculated on the stream read so far.
void write (byte[] buf, int off, int nbytes)
Writes n bytes of data from buf starting at offset off to the underlying stream.
void write (int val)
Writes the specified byte to the underlying stream.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable

Public Constructors

public CheckedOutputStream ( OutputStream os, Checksum cs)

Added in API level 1

Constructs a new CheckedOutputStream on OutputStream os . The checksum is calculated using the algorithm implemented by csum .

os the output stream to calculate checksum for.
cs an entity implementing the checksum algorithm.

Public Methods

public Checksum getChecksum ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the checksum calculated on the stream read so far.

  • the updated checksum.

public void write (byte[] buf, int off, int nbytes)

Added in API level 1

Writes n bytes of data from buf starting at offset off to the underlying stream. The checksum is updated with the bytes written.

buf data written to the output stream.
off the offset to start reading the data from buf written to the output stream.
nbytes number of bytes to write to the output stream.
IOException if an IO error has occurred.

public void write (int val)

Added in API level 1

Writes the specified byte to the underlying stream. The checksum is updated with val .

val the data value to written to the output stream.
IOException if an IO error has occurred.