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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements Source
   ↳ javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource

Class Overview

Acts as a holder for a transformation Source tree in the form of a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.

Note that XSLT requires namespace support. Attempting to transform a DOM that was not contructed with a namespace-aware parser may result in errors. Parsers can be made namespace aware by calling setNamespaceAware(boolean) .


String FEATURE If getFeature(String) returns true when passed this value as an argument, the Transformer supports Source input of this type.
Public Constructors
DOMSource ()

Zero-argument default constructor.

DOMSource ( Node n)
Create a new input source with a DOM node.
DOMSource ( Node node, String systemID)
Create a new input source with a DOM node, and with the system ID also passed in as the base URI.
Public Methods
Node getNode ()
Get the node that represents a Source DOM tree.
String getSystemId ()
Get the base ID (URL or system ID) from where URLs will be resolved.
void setNode ( Node node)
Set the node that will represents a Source DOM tree.
void setSystemId ( String systemID)
Set the base ID (URL or system ID) from where URLs will be resolved.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface javax.xml.transform.Source


public static final String FEATURE

Added in API level 8

If getFeature(String) returns true when passed this value as an argument, the Transformer supports Source input of this type.

Constant Value: "http://javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource/feature"

Public Constructors

public DOMSource ()

Added in API level 8

Zero-argument default constructor. If this constructor is used, and no DOM source is set using setNode(Node) , then the Transformer will create an empty source Document using newDocument() .

public DOMSource ( Node n)

Added in API level 8

Create a new input source with a DOM node. The operation will be applied to the subtree rooted at this node. In XSLT, a "/" pattern still means the root of the tree (not the subtree), and the evaluation of global variables and parameters is done from the root node also.

n The DOM node that will contain the Source tree.

public DOMSource ( Node node, String systemID)

Added in API level 8

Create a new input source with a DOM node, and with the system ID also passed in as the base URI.

node The DOM node that will contain the Source tree.
systemID Specifies the base URI associated with node.

Public Methods

public Node getNode ()

Added in API level 8

Get the node that represents a Source DOM tree.

  • The node that is to be transformed.

public String getSystemId ()

Added in API level 8

Get the base ID (URL or system ID) from where URLs will be resolved.

  • Base URL for this DOM tree.

public void setNode ( Node node)

Added in API level 8

Set the node that will represents a Source DOM tree.

node The node that is to be transformed.

public void setSystemId ( String systemID)

Added in API level 8

Set the base ID (URL or system ID) from where URLs will be resolved.

systemID Base URL for this DOM tree.