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Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ javax.xml.validation.Schema

Class Overview

Immutable in-memory representation of grammar.

This object represents a set of constraints that can be checked/ enforced against an XML document.

A Schema object is thread safe and applications are encouraged to share it across many parsers in many threads.

A Schema object is immutable in the sense that it shouldn't change the set of constraints once it is created. In other words, if an application validates the same document twice against the same Schema , it must always produce the same result.

A Schema object is usually created from SchemaFactory .

Two kinds of validators can be created from a Schema object. One is Validator , which provides highly-level validation operations that cover typical use cases. The other is ValidatorHandler , which works on top of SAX for better modularity.

This specification does not refine the equals(java.lang.Object) method. In other words, if you parse the same schema twice, you may still get !schemaA.equals(schemaB) .


Protected Constructors
Schema ()
Constructor for the derived class.
Public Methods
abstract Validator newValidator ()
Creates a new Validator for this Schema .
abstract ValidatorHandler newValidatorHandler ()
Creates a new ValidatorHandler for this Schema .
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Protected Constructors

protected Schema ()

Added in API level 8

Constructor for the derived class.

The constructor does nothing.

Public Methods

public abstract Validator newValidator ()

Added in API level 8

Creates a new Validator for this Schema .

A validator enforces/checks the set of constraints this object represents.

  • Always return a non-null valid object.

public abstract ValidatorHandler newValidatorHandler ()

Added in API level 8

Creates a new ValidatorHandler for this Schema .

  • Always return a non-null valid object.