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Android APIs
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Parameter names for the HttpClient module. This does not include parameters for informational units HttpAuth, HttpCookie, or HttpConn.


String ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS Defines whether circular redirects (redirects to the same location) should be allowed.
String CONNECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY Defines the factory to create a default ClientConnectionManager .
String CONNECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME Defines the class name of the default ClientConnectionManager

This parameter expects a value of type String .

String COOKIE_POLICY Defines the name of the cookie specification to be used for HTTP state management.
String DEFAULT_HEADERS Defines the request headers to be sent per default with each request.
String DEFAULT_HOST Defines the default host.
String HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION Defines whether authentication should be handled automatically.
String HANDLE_REDIRECTS Defines whether redirects should be handled automatically

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean .

String MAX_REDIRECTS Defines the maximum number of redirects to be followed.
String REJECT_RELATIVE_REDIRECT Defines whether relative redirects should be rejected.
String VIRTUAL_HOST Defines the virtual host name.


public static final String ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS

Added in API level 1

Defines whether circular redirects (redirects to the same location) should be allowed. The HTTP spec is not sufficiently clear whether circular redirects are permitted, therefore optionally they can be enabled

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.allow-circular-redirects"

public static final String CONNECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY

Added in API level 1

Defines the factory to create a default ClientConnectionManager .

This parameters expects a value of type ClientConnectionManagerFactory .

Constant Value: "http.connection-manager.factory-object"


Added in API level 1

Defines the class name of the default ClientConnectionManager

This parameter expects a value of type String .

Constant Value: "http.connection-manager.factory-class-name"

public static final String COOKIE_POLICY

Added in API level 1

Defines the name of the cookie specification to be used for HTTP state management.

This parameter expects a value of type String .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.cookie-policy"

public static final String DEFAULT_HEADERS

Added in API level 1

Defines the request headers to be sent per default with each request.

This parameter expects a value of type Collection . The collection is expected to contain Header s.

Constant Value: "http.default-headers"

public static final String DEFAULT_HOST

Added in API level 1

Defines the default host. The default value will be used if the target host is not explicitly specified in the request URI.

This parameter expects a value of type HttpHost .

Constant Value: "http.default-host"

public static final String HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION

Added in API level 1

Defines whether authentication should be handled automatically.

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.handle-authentication"

public static final String HANDLE_REDIRECTS

Added in API level 1

Defines whether redirects should be handled automatically

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.handle-redirects"

public static final String MAX_REDIRECTS

Added in API level 1

Defines the maximum number of redirects to be followed. The limit on number of redirects is intended to prevent infinite loops.

This parameter expects a value of type Integer .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.max-redirects"

public static final String REJECT_RELATIVE_REDIRECT

Added in API level 1

Defines whether relative redirects should be rejected.

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean .

Constant Value: "http.protocol.reject-relative-redirect"

public static final String VIRTUAL_HOST

Added in API level 1

Defines the virtual host name.

This parameter expects a value of type HttpHost .

Constant Value: "http.virtual-host"