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Android APIs
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Interface for formatting elements of a header value. This is the complement to HeaderValueParser . Instances of this interface are expected to be stateless and thread-safe.

All formatting methods accept an optional buffer argument. If a buffer is passed in, the formatted element will be appended and the modified buffer is returned. If no buffer is passed in, a new buffer will be created and filled with the formatted element. In both cases, the caller is allowed to modify the returned buffer.


Public Methods
abstract CharArrayBuffer formatElements ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, HeaderElement[] elems, boolean quote)
Formats an array of header elements.
abstract CharArrayBuffer formatHeaderElement ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, HeaderElement elem, boolean quote)
Formats one header element.
abstract CharArrayBuffer formatNameValuePair ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, NameValuePair nvp, boolean quote)
Formats one name-value pair, where the value is optional.
abstract CharArrayBuffer formatParameters ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, NameValuePair[] nvps, boolean quote)
Formats the parameters of a header element.

Public Methods

public abstract CharArrayBuffer formatElements ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, HeaderElement[] elems, boolean quote)

Added in API level 1

Formats an array of header elements.

buffer the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
elems the header elements to format
quote true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
  • a buffer with the formatted header elements. If the buffer argument was not null , that buffer will be used and returned.

public abstract CharArrayBuffer formatHeaderElement ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, HeaderElement elem, boolean quote)

Added in API level 1

Formats one header element.

buffer the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
elem the header element to format
quote true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
  • a buffer with the formatted header element. If the buffer argument was not null , that buffer will be used and returned.

public abstract CharArrayBuffer formatNameValuePair ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, NameValuePair nvp, boolean quote)

Added in API level 1

Formats one name-value pair, where the value is optional.

buffer the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
nvp the name-value pair to format
quote true to always format with a quoted value, false to use quotes only when necessary
  • a buffer with the formatted name-value pair. If the buffer argument was not null , that buffer will be used and returned.

public abstract CharArrayBuffer formatParameters ( CharArrayBuffer buffer, NameValuePair[] nvps, boolean quote)

Added in API level 1

Formats the parameters of a header element. That's a list of name-value pairs, to be separated by semicolons. This method will not generate a leading semicolon.

buffer the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
nvps the parameters (name-value pairs) to format
quote true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
  • a buffer with the formatted parameters. If the buffer argument was not null , that buffer will be used and returned.