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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object
implements CoreProtocolPNames
   ↳ org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams

Class Overview

This class implements an adaptor around the HttpParams interface to simplify manipulation of the HTTP protocol specific parameters.
Note that the implements relation to CoreProtocolPNames is for compatibility with existing application code only. References to the parameter names should use the interface, not this class.


Inherited Constants
From interface org.apache.http.params.CoreProtocolPNames
Public Methods
static String getContentCharset ( HttpParams params)
Returns the default charset to be used for writing content body, when no charset explicitly specified.
static String getHttpElementCharset ( HttpParams params)
Returns the charset to be used for writing HTTP headers.
static String getUserAgent ( HttpParams params)
static ProtocolVersion getVersion ( HttpParams params)
Returns protocol version to be used per default.
static void setContentCharset ( HttpParams params, String charset)
Sets the default charset to be used for writing content body, when no charset explicitly specified.
static void setHttpElementCharset ( HttpParams params, String charset)
Sets the charset to be used for writing HTTP headers.
static void setUseExpectContinue ( HttpParams params, boolean b)
static void setUserAgent ( HttpParams params, String useragent)
static void setVersion ( HttpParams params, ProtocolVersion version)
Assigns the protocol version to be used by the HTTP methods that this collection of parameters applies to.
static boolean useExpectContinue ( HttpParams params)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static String getContentCharset ( HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Returns the default charset to be used for writing content body, when no charset explicitly specified.

  • The charset

public static String getHttpElementCharset ( HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Returns the charset to be used for writing HTTP headers.

  • The charset

public static String getUserAgent ( HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

public static ProtocolVersion getVersion ( HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Returns protocol version to be used per default.

public static void setContentCharset ( HttpParams params, String charset)

Added in API level 1

Sets the default charset to be used for writing content body, when no charset explicitly specified.

charset The charset

public static void setHttpElementCharset ( HttpParams params, String charset)

Added in API level 1

Sets the charset to be used for writing HTTP headers.

charset The charset

public static void setUseExpectContinue ( HttpParams params, boolean b)

Added in API level 1

public static void setUserAgent ( HttpParams params, String useragent)

Added in API level 1

public static void setVersion ( HttpParams params, ProtocolVersion version)

Added in API level 1

Assigns the protocol version to be used by the HTTP methods that this collection of parameters applies to.

version the protocol version

public static boolean useExpectContinue ( HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1