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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.http.util.VersionInfo

Class Overview

Provides access to version information for HTTP components. Instances of this class provide version information for a single module or informal unit, as explained here . Static methods are used to extract version information from property files that are automatically packaged with HTTP component release JARs.
All available version information is provided in strings, where the string format is informal and subject to change without notice. Version information is provided for debugging output and interpretation by humans, not for automated processing in applications.


String UNAVAILABLE A string constant for unavailable information.
String VERSION_PROPERTY_FILE The filename of the version information files.
Protected Constructors
VersionInfo ( String pckg, String module, String release, String time, String clsldr)
Instantiates version information.
Public Methods
final String getClassloader ()
Obtains the classloader used to read the version information.
final String getModule ()
Obtains the name of the versioned module or informal unit.
final String getPackage ()
Obtains the package name.
final String getRelease ()
Obtains the release of the versioned module or informal unit.
final String getTimestamp ()
Obtains the timestamp of the versioned module or informal unit.
final static VersionInfo[] loadVersionInfo ( String[] pckgs, ClassLoader clsldr)
Loads version information for a list of packages.
final static VersionInfo loadVersionInfo ( String pckg, ClassLoader clsldr)
Loads version information for a package.
String toString ()
Provides the version information in human-readable format.
Protected Methods
final static VersionInfo fromMap ( String pckg, Map info, ClassLoader clsldr)
Instantiates version information from properties.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String PROPERTY_MODULE

Added in API level 1

Constant Value: "info.module"

public static final String PROPERTY_RELEASE

Added in API level 1

Constant Value: "info.release"

public static final String PROPERTY_TIMESTAMP

Added in API level 1

Constant Value: "info.timestamp"

public static final String UNAVAILABLE

Added in API level 1

A string constant for unavailable information.

Constant Value: "UNAVAILABLE"

public static final String VERSION_PROPERTY_FILE

Added in API level 1

The filename of the version information files.

Constant Value: ""

Protected Constructors

protected VersionInfo ( String pckg, String module, String release, String time, String clsldr)

Added in API level 1

Instantiates version information.

pckg the package
module the module, or null
release the release, or null
time the build time, or null
clsldr the class loader, or null

Public Methods

public final String getClassloader ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the classloader used to read the version information. This is just the toString output of the classloader, since the version information should not keep a reference to the classloader itself. That could prevent garbage collection.

  • the classloader description, never null

public final String getModule ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the name of the versioned module or informal unit. This data is read from the version information for the package.

  • the module name, never null

public final String getPackage ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the package name. The package name identifies the module or informal unit.

  • the package name, never null

public final String getRelease ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the release of the versioned module or informal unit. This data is read from the version information for the package.

  • the release version, never null

public final String getTimestamp ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the timestamp of the versioned module or informal unit. This data is read from the version information for the package.

  • the timestamp, never null

public static final VersionInfo[] loadVersionInfo ( String[] pckgs, ClassLoader clsldr)

Added in API level 1

Loads version information for a list of packages.

pckgs the packages for which to load version info
clsldr the classloader to load from, or null for the thread context classloader
  • the version information for all packages found, never null

public static final VersionInfo loadVersionInfo ( String pckg, ClassLoader clsldr)

Added in API level 1

Loads version information for a package.

pckg the package for which to load version information, for example "org.apache.http". The package name should NOT end with a dot.
clsldr the classloader to load from, or null for the thread context classloader
  • the version information for the argument package, or null if not available

public String toString ()

Added in API level 1

Provides the version information in human-readable format.

  • a string holding this version information

Protected Methods

protected static final VersionInfo fromMap ( String pckg, Map info, ClassLoader clsldr)

Added in API level 1

Instantiates version information from properties.

pckg the package for the version information
info the map from string keys to string values, for example Properties
clsldr the classloader, or null
  • the version information