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Android APIs
public static interface



Class Overview

Interface to write a stream of data to a pipe. Use with )">openPipeHelper(Uri, String, Bundle, T, ContentProvider.PipeDataWriter ) .


Public Methods
abstract void writeDataToPipe ( ParcelFileDescriptor output, Uri uri, String mimeType, Bundle opts, T args)
Called from a background thread to stream data out to a pipe.

Public Methods

public abstract void writeDataToPipe ( ParcelFileDescriptor output, Uri uri, String mimeType, Bundle opts, T args)

Called from a background thread to stream data out to a pipe. Note that the pipe is blocking, so this thread can block on writes for an arbitrary amount of time if the client is slow at reading.

output The pipe where data should be written. This will be closed for you upon returning from this function.
uri The URI whose data is to be written.
mimeType The desired type of data to be written.
opts Options supplied by caller.
args Your own custom arguments.