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Android APIs
public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.content.ContentProviderOperation.Builder

Class Overview

Used to add parameters to a ContentProviderOperation . The ContentProviderOperation.Builder is first created by calling newInsert( , newUpdate( , newDelete( or newAssertQuery(Uri) . The withXXX methods can then be used to add parameters to the builder. See the specific methods to find for which ContentProviderOperation.Builder type each is allowed. Call build() to create the ContentProviderOperation once all the parameters have been supplied.


Public Methods
ContentProviderOperation build ()
Create a ContentProviderOperation from this ContentProviderOperation.Builder .
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withExpectedCount (int count)
If set then if the number of rows affected by this operation do not match this count OperationApplicationException will be throw.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withSelection ( String selection, String[] selectionArgs)
The selection and arguments to use.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withSelectionBackReference (int selectionArgIndex, int previousResult)
Add a back references as a selection arg.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValue ( String key, Object value)
A value to insert or update.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValueBackReference ( String key, int previousResult)
Add a ContentValues back reference.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValueBackReferences ( ContentValues backReferences)
Add a ContentValues of back references.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValues ( ContentValues values)
The ContentValues to use.
ContentProviderOperation.Builder withYieldAllowed (boolean yieldAllowed)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public ContentProviderOperation build ()

Added in API level 5

Create a ContentProviderOperation from this ContentProviderOperation.Builder .

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withExpectedCount (int count)

Added in API level 5

If set then if the number of rows affected by this operation do not match this count OperationApplicationException will be throw. This can only be used with builders of type update, delete, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withSelection ( String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

Added in API level 5

The selection and arguments to use. An occurrence of '?' in the selection will be replaced with the corresponding occurence of the selection argument. Any of the selection arguments may be overwritten by a selection argument back reference as specified by withSelectionBackReference(int, int) . This can only be used with builders of type update, delete, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withSelectionBackReference (int selectionArgIndex, int previousResult)

Added in API level 5

Add a back references as a selection arg. Any value at that index of the selection arg that was specified by withSelection(String, String[]) will be overwritten. This can only be used with builders of type update, delete, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValue ( String key, Object value)

Added in API level 5

A value to insert or update. This value may be overwritten by the corresponding value specified by withValueBackReference(String, int) . This can only be used with builders of type insert, update, or assert.

key the name of this value
value the value itself. the type must be acceptable for insertion by put(String, byte[])
  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValueBackReference ( String key, int previousResult)

Added in API level 5

Add a ContentValues back reference. A column value from the back references takes precedence over a value specified in withValues(ContentValues) . This can only be used with builders of type insert, update, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValueBackReferences ( ContentValues backReferences)

Added in API level 5

Add a ContentValues of back references. The key is the name of the column and the value is an integer that is the index of the previous result whose value should be used for the column. The value is added as a String . A column value from the back references takes precedence over a value specified in withValues(ContentValues) . This can only be used with builders of type insert, update, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withValues ( ContentValues values)

Added in API level 5

The ContentValues to use. This may be null. These values may be overwritten by the corresponding value specified by withValueBackReference(String, int) or by future calls to withValues(ContentValues) or withValue(String, Object) . This can only be used with builders of type insert, update, or assert.

  • this builder, to allow for chaining.

public ContentProviderOperation.Builder withYieldAllowed (boolean yieldAllowed)

Added in API level 5