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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.print.PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder

Class Overview

Builder for creating of a PrinterCapabilitiesInfo . This class is responsible to enforce that all required attributes have at least one default value. In other words, this class creates only well-formed PrinterCapabilitiesInfo s.

Look at the individual methods for a reference whether a property is required or if it is optional.


Public Constructors
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder ( PrinterId printerId)
Creates a new instance.
Public Methods
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder addMediaSize ( PrintAttributes.MediaSize mediaSize, boolean isDefault)
Adds a supported media size.
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder addResolution ( PrintAttributes.Resolution resolution, boolean isDefault)
Adds a supported resolution.
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo build ()
Crates a new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo enforcing that all required properties have been specified.
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder setColorModes (int colorModes, int defaultColorMode)
Sets the color modes.
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder setMinMargins ( PrintAttributes.Margins margins)
Sets the minimal margins.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder ( PrinterId printerId)

Creates a new instance.

printerId The printer id. Cannot be null .
IllegalArgumentException If the printer id is null .

Public Methods

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder addMediaSize ( PrintAttributes.MediaSize mediaSize, boolean isDefault)

Adds a supported media size.

Required: Yes

mediaSize A media size.
isDefault Whether this is the default.
  • This builder.
IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there is already a default.

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder addResolution ( PrintAttributes.Resolution resolution, boolean isDefault)

Adds a supported resolution.

Required: Yes

resolution A resolution.
isDefault Whether this is the default.
  • This builder.
IllegalArgumentException If set as default and there is already a default.

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo build ()

Crates a new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo enforcing that all required properties have been specified. See individual methods in this class for reference about required attributes.

IllegalStateException If a required attribute was not specified.

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder setColorModes (int colorModes, int defaultColorMode)

Sets the color modes.

Required: Yes

colorModes The color mode bit mask.
defaultColorMode The default color mode.
  • This builder.

    Note: On platform version 19 (Kitkat) specifying only PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME leads to a print spooler crash. Hence, you should declare either both color modes or PrintAttributes#COLOR_MODE_COLOR.

IllegalArgumentException If color modes contains an invalid mode bit or if the default color mode is invalid.

public PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder setMinMargins ( PrintAttributes.Margins margins)

Sets the minimal margins. These are the minimal margins the printer physically supports.

Required: Yes

margins The margins.
  • This builder.
IllegalArgumentException If margins are null .