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Android APIs
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

This class provides access to a RenderScript context, which controls RenderScript initialization, resource management, and teardown. An instance of the RenderScript class must be created before any other RS objects can be created.

Developer Guides

For more information about creating an application that uses RenderScript, read the RenderScript developer guide.


Nested Classes
enum RenderScript.ContextType ContextType specifies the specific type of context to be created. 
enum RenderScript.Priority RenderScript worker thread priority enumeration. 
class RenderScript.RSErrorHandler The runtime error handler base class. 
class RenderScript.RSMessageHandler The base class from which an application should derive in order to receive RS messages from scripts. 
Public Methods
void contextDump ()
Print the currently available debugging information about the state of the RS context to the log.
static RenderScript create ( Context ctx)
Create a RenderScript context.
void destroy ()
Destroys this RenderScript context.
void finish ()
Wait for any pending asynchronous opeations (such as copies to a RS allocation or RS script executions) to complete.
final Context getApplicationContext ()
Gets the application context associated with the RenderScript context.
RenderScript.RSErrorHandler getErrorHandler ()
RenderScript.RSMessageHandler getMessageHandler ()
void setErrorHandler ( RenderScript.RSErrorHandler msg)
void setMessageHandler ( RenderScript.RSMessageHandler msg)
void setPriority ( RenderScript.Priority p)
Change the priority of the worker threads for this context.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void contextDump ()

Print the currently available debugging information about the state of the RS context to the log.

public static RenderScript create ( Context ctx)

Create a RenderScript context.

ctx The context.
  • RenderScript

public void destroy ()

Destroys this RenderScript context. Once this function is called, using this context or any objects belonging to this context is illegal.

public void finish ()

Wait for any pending asynchronous opeations (such as copies to a RS allocation or RS script executions) to complete.

public final Context getApplicationContext ()

Gets the application context associated with the RenderScript context.

  • The application context.

public RenderScript.RSErrorHandler getErrorHandler ()

public RenderScript.RSMessageHandler getMessageHandler ()

public void setErrorHandler ( RenderScript.RSErrorHandler msg)

public void setMessageHandler ( RenderScript.RSMessageHandler msg)

public void setPriority ( RenderScript.Priority p)

Change the priority of the worker threads for this context.

p New priority to be set.