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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.view.FocusFinder

Class Overview

The algorithm used for finding the next focusable view in a given direction from a view that currently has focus.


Public Methods
View findNearestTouchable ( ViewGroup root, int x, int y, int direction, int[] deltas)
Find the nearest touchable view to the specified view.
final View findNextFocus ( ViewGroup root, View focused, int direction)
Find the next view to take focus in root's descendants, starting from the view that currently is focused.
View findNextFocusFromRect ( ViewGroup root, Rect focusedRect, int direction)
Find the next view to take focus in root's descendants, searching from a particular rectangle in root's coordinates.
static FocusFinder getInstance ()
Get the focus finder for this thread.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public View findNearestTouchable ( ViewGroup root, int x, int y, int direction, int[] deltas)

Added in API level 1

Find the nearest touchable view to the specified view.

root The root of the tree in which to search
x X coordinate from which to start the search
y Y coordinate from which to start the search
direction Direction to look
deltas Offset from the to the edge of the nearest view. Note that this array may already be populated with values.
  • The nearest touchable view, or null if none exists.

public final View findNextFocus ( ViewGroup root, View focused, int direction)

Added in API level 1

Find the next view to take focus in root's descendants, starting from the view that currently is focused.

root Contains focused. Cannot be null.
focused Has focus now.
direction Direction to look.
  • The next focusable view, or null if none exists.

public View findNextFocusFromRect ( ViewGroup root, Rect focusedRect, int direction)

Added in API level 1

Find the next view to take focus in root's descendants, searching from a particular rectangle in root's coordinates.

root Contains focusedRect. Cannot be null.
focusedRect The starting point of the search.
direction Direction to look.
  • The next focusable view, or null if none exists.

public static FocusFinder getInstance ()

Added in API level 1

Get the focus finder for this thread.