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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.view.InputDevice.MotionRange

Class Overview

Provides information about the range of values for a particular MotionEvent axis.


Public Methods
int getAxis ()
Gets the axis id.
float getFlat ()
Gets the extent of the center flat position with respect to this axis.
float getFuzz ()
Gets the error tolerance for input device measurements with respect to this axis.
float getMax ()
Gets the inclusive maximum value for the axis.
float getMin ()
Gets the inclusive minimum value for the axis.
float getRange ()
Gets the range of the axis (difference between maximum and minimum).
float getResolution ()
Gets the resolution for input device measurements with respect to this axis.
int getSource ()
Gets the source for which the axis is defined.
boolean isFromSource (int source)
Determines whether the event is from the given source.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public int getAxis ()

Gets the axis id.

  • The axis id.

public float getFlat ()

Added in API level 9

Gets the extent of the center flat position with respect to this axis.

For example, a flat value of 8 means that the center position is between -8 and +8. This value is mainly useful for calibrating self-centering devices.

  • The extent of the center flat position.

public float getFuzz ()

Added in API level 9

Gets the error tolerance for input device measurements with respect to this axis.

For example, a value of 2 indicates that the measured value may be up to +/- 2 units away from the actual value due to noise and device sensitivity limitations.

  • The error tolerance.

public float getMax ()

Added in API level 9

Gets the inclusive maximum value for the axis.

  • The inclusive maximum value.

public float getMin ()

Added in API level 9

Gets the inclusive minimum value for the axis.

  • The inclusive minimum value.

public float getRange ()

Added in API level 9

Gets the range of the axis (difference between maximum and minimum).

  • The range of values.

public float getResolution ()

Gets the resolution for input device measurements with respect to this axis.

  • The resolution in units per millimeter, or units per radian for rotational axes.

public int getSource ()

Gets the source for which the axis is defined.

  • The source.

public boolean isFromSource (int source)

Determines whether the event is from the given source.

source The input source to check against. This can be a specific device type, such as SOURCE_TOUCH_NAVIGATION , or a more generic device class, such as SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER .
  • Whether the event is from the given source.