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Android APIs
public interface


implements Wrapper CommonDataSource

Class Overview

An interface for the creation of Connection objects which represent a connection to a database. This interface is an alternative to the java.sql.DriverManager .

A class which implements the DataSource interface is typically registered with a JNDI naming service directory and is retrieved from there by name.

The DataSource interface is typically implemented by the writer of a JDBC driver. There are three variants of the DataSource interface, which produce connections with different characteristics:

  1. Standard DataSource : produces standard Connection objects with no special features.
  2. Connection Pool DataSource : produces PooledConnection objects which require a connection pool manager as an intermediary component.
  3. Distributed transaction DataSource ("XADataSource") : produces XAConnection objects which can be used to handle distributed transactions which typically require an intermediary transaction manager component. XAConnection objects also provide connection pooling capabilities as well as distributed transaction capabilities.

Note that a JDBC driver which is accessed via the DataSource interface is loaded via a JNDI lookup process. A driver loaded in this way does not register itself with the DriverManager .


Public Methods
abstract Connection getConnection ()
Creates a connection to the database represented by this DataSource .
abstract Connection getConnection ( String theUsername, String thePassword)
Creates a connection to the database represented by this DataSource , using the supplied user name and password.
Inherited Methods
From interface java.sql.Wrapper
From interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource

Public Methods

public abstract Connection getConnection ()

Added in API level 1

Creates a connection to the database represented by this DataSource .

  • a Connection object which is a connection to the database.
SQLException if there is a problem accessing the database.

public abstract Connection getConnection ( String theUsername, String thePassword)

Added in API level 1

Creates a connection to the database represented by this DataSource , using the supplied user name and password.

theUsername the a user name for the database login.
thePassword the password associated with the user identified by theUsername .
  • the Connection object which is the connection to the database.
SQLException if there is a problem accessing the database.