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Android APIs
public interface


implements ResultSetMetaData

Class Overview

An interface which provides facilities for getting information about the columns in a RowSet .

RowSetMetaData extends ResultSetMetaData , adding new operations for carrying out value sets.

Application code would not normally call this interface directly. It would be called internally when RowSet.execute is called.


Inherited Constants
From interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Public Methods
abstract void setAutoIncrement (int columnIndex, boolean autoIncrement)
Sets automatic numbering for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setCaseSensitive (int columnIndex, boolean caseSensitive)
Sets the case sensitive property for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setCatalogName (int columnIndex, String catalogName)
Sets the catalog name for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setColumnCount (int columnCount)
Sets the number of columns contained in the row set.
abstract void setColumnDisplaySize (int columnIndex, int displaySize)
Sets the normal maximum width in characters for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setColumnLabel (int columnIndex, String theLabel)
Sets the suggested name as label for the column contained in the RowSet .
abstract void setColumnName (int columnIndex, String theColumnName)
Sets the column name for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setColumnType (int columnIndex, int theSQLType)
Sets the SQL type for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setColumnTypeName (int columnIndex, String theTypeName)
Sets the type name for a specified column in the RowSet , where the data type is specific to the data source.
abstract void setCurrency (int columnIndex, boolean isCurrency)
Sets whether a specified column is a currency value.
abstract void setNullable (int columnIndex, int nullability)
Sets whether a specified column can contain SQL NULL values.
abstract void setPrecision (int columnIndex, int thePrecision)
Sets the number of decimal digits for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setScale (int columnIndex, int theScale)
Declares how many decimal digits there should be after a decimal point for the column specified by columnIndex .
abstract void setSchemaName (int columnIndex, String theSchemaName)
Sets the schema name for a specified column in the RowSet .
abstract void setSearchable (int columnIndex, boolean isSearchable)
Sets whether a specified column can be used in a search involving a WHERE clause.
abstract void setSigned (int columnIndex, boolean isSigned)
Sets if a specified column can contain signed numbers.
abstract void setTableName (int columnIndex, String theTableName)
Sets the table name for a specified column in the RowSet .
Inherited Methods
From interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
From interface java.sql.Wrapper

Public Methods

public abstract void setAutoIncrement (int columnIndex, boolean autoIncrement)

Added in API level 1

Sets automatic numbering for a specified column in the RowSet . If automatic numbering is on, the column is read-only. The default value for the auto increment parameter is false .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
autoIncrement true to set automatic numbering on, false to turn it off (default).
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setCaseSensitive (int columnIndex, boolean caseSensitive)

Added in API level 1

Sets the case sensitive property for a specified column in the RowSet . The default is that the column is not case sensitive.

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
caseSensitive true to make the column case sensitive, false to make it case insensitive (default).
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setCatalogName (int columnIndex, String catalogName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the catalog name for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
catalogName the new catalog's name.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnCount (int columnCount)

Added in API level 1

Sets the number of columns contained in the row set.

columnCount the number of columns contained in the RowSet .
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnDisplaySize (int columnIndex, int displaySize)

Added in API level 1

Sets the normal maximum width in characters for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
displaySize the normal maximum column width in characters.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnLabel (int columnIndex, String theLabel)

Added in API level 1

Sets the suggested name as label for the column contained in the RowSet . The label is an alias for printing and displaying purposes.

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theLabel the alias name for the column.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnName (int columnIndex, String theColumnName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the column name for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theColumnName the column's label.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnType (int columnIndex, int theSQLType)

Added in API level 1

Sets the SQL type for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theSQLType the SQL Type, as defined by java.sql.Types .
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setColumnTypeName (int columnIndex, String theTypeName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the type name for a specified column in the RowSet , where the data type is specific to the data source.

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theTypeName the SQL type name for the column.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setCurrency (int columnIndex, boolean isCurrency)

Added in API level 1

Sets whether a specified column is a currency value. The default value is false .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
isCurrency true if the column should be treated as a currency value, false if it should not be treated as a currency value (default).
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setNullable (int columnIndex, int nullability)

Added in API level 1

Sets whether a specified column can contain SQL NULL values.

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
nullability an integer which is one of the following values:
  • ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls
  • ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable
  • ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown

The default value is ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown .

SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setPrecision (int columnIndex, int thePrecision)

Added in API level 1

Sets the number of decimal digits for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
thePrecision the number of decimal digits.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setScale (int columnIndex, int theScale)

Added in API level 1

Declares how many decimal digits there should be after a decimal point for the column specified by columnIndex .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theScale the number of digits after the decimal point.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setSchemaName (int columnIndex, String theSchemaName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the schema name for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theSchemaName a String containing the schema name.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setSearchable (int columnIndex, boolean isSearchable)

Added in API level 1

Sets whether a specified column can be used in a search involving a WHERE clause. The default value is false .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
isSearchable true of the column can be used in a WHERE clause search, false otherwise.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setSigned (int columnIndex, boolean isSigned)

Added in API level 1

Sets if a specified column can contain signed numbers.

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
isSigned true if the column can contain signed numbers, false otherwise.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.

public abstract void setTableName (int columnIndex, String theTableName)

Added in API level 1

Sets the table name for a specified column in the RowSet .

columnIndex the index number for the column; the first column's index is 1.
theTableName the table name for the column.
SQLException if a problem occurs accessing the database.