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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements EofSensorWatcher
   ↳ org.apache.http.conn.BasicEofSensorWatcher

Class Overview

Basic implementation of EofSensorWatcher . The underlying connection is released on close or EOF.


protected boolean attemptReuse Whether to keep the connection alive.
protected ManagedClientConnection managedConn The connection to auto-release.
Public Constructors
BasicEofSensorWatcher ( ManagedClientConnection conn, boolean reuse)
Creates a new watcher for auto-releasing a connection.
Public Methods
boolean eofDetected ( InputStream wrapped)
Indicates that EOF is detected.
boolean streamAbort ( InputStream wrapped)
Indicates that the stream is aborted.
boolean streamClosed ( InputStream wrapped)
Indicates that the stream is closed.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorWatcher


protected boolean attemptReuse

Added in API level 1

Whether to keep the connection alive.

protected ManagedClientConnection managedConn

Added in API level 1

The connection to auto-release.

Public Constructors

public BasicEofSensorWatcher ( ManagedClientConnection conn, boolean reuse)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new watcher for auto-releasing a connection.

conn the connection to auto-release
reuse whether the connection should be re-used

Public Methods

public boolean eofDetected ( InputStream wrapped)

Added in API level 1

Indicates that EOF is detected.

wrapped the underlying stream which has reached EOF
  • true if wrapped should be closed, false if it should be left alone

public boolean streamAbort ( InputStream wrapped)

Added in API level 1

Indicates that the stream is aborted. This method will be called only if EOF was not detected before aborting. Otherwise, eofDetected is called.

This method will also be invoked when an input operation causes an IOException to be thrown to make sure the input stream gets shut down.

wrapped the underlying stream which has not reached EOF
  • true if wrapped should be closed, false if it should be left alone

public boolean streamClosed ( InputStream wrapped)

Added in API level 1

Indicates that the stream is closed. This method will be called only if EOF was not detected before closing. Otherwise, eofDetected is called.

wrapped the underlying stream which has not reached EOF
  • true if wrapped should be closed, false if it should be left alone