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Android APIs
public interface


implements HttpClientConnection HttpInetConnection
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A client-side connection that relies on outside logic to connect sockets to the appropriate hosts. It can be operated directly by an application, or through an operator .


Public Methods
abstract Socket getSocket ()
Obtains the socket for this connection.
abstract HttpHost getTargetHost ()
Obtains the target host for this connection.
abstract boolean isSecure ()
Indicates whether this connection is secure.
abstract void openCompleted (boolean secure, HttpParams params)
Signals that the connection has been successfully open.
abstract void opening ( Socket sock, HttpHost target)
Signals that this connection is in the process of being open.
abstract void update ( Socket sock, HttpHost target, boolean secure, HttpParams params)
Updates this connection.
Inherited Methods
From interface org.apache.http.HttpClientConnection
From interface org.apache.http.HttpConnection
From interface org.apache.http.HttpInetConnection

Public Methods

public abstract Socket getSocket ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the socket for this connection. The return value is well-defined only while the connection is open. It may change even while the connection is open, because of an update .


public abstract HttpHost getTargetHost ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the target host for this connection. If the connection is to a proxy but not tunnelled, this is the proxy. If the connection is tunnelled through a proxy, this is the target of the tunnel.
The return value is well-defined only while the connection is open. It may change even while the connection is open, because of an update .

  • the host to which this connection is opened

public abstract boolean isSecure ()

Added in API level 1

Indicates whether this connection is secure. The return value is well-defined only while the connection is open. It may change even while the connection is open, because of an update .

  • true if this connection is secure, false otherwise

public abstract void openCompleted (boolean secure, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Signals that the connection has been successfully open. An attempt to call this method on an open connection will cause an exception.

secure true if this connection is secure, for example if an SSLSocket is used, or false if it is not secure
params parameters for this connection. The parameters will be used when creating dependent objects, for example to determine buffer sizes.

public abstract void opening ( Socket sock, HttpHost target)

Added in API level 1

Signals that this connection is in the process of being open.
By calling this method, you can provide the connection with the unconnected socket that will be connected before openCompleted(boolean, HttpParams) is called. This allows the connection to close that socket if shutdown is called before it is open. Closing the unconnected socket will interrupt a thread that is blocked on the connect. Otherwise, that thread will either time out on the connect, or it returns successfully and then opens this connection which was just shut down.
You also must call openCompleted(boolean, HttpParams) in order to complete the process

sock the unconnected socket which is about to be connected.
target the target host of this connection

public abstract void update ( Socket sock, HttpHost target, boolean secure, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Updates this connection. A connection can be updated only while it is open. Updates are used for example when a tunnel has been established, or when a TLS/SSL connection has been layered on top of a plain socket connection.
Note: Updating the connection will not close the previously used socket. It is the caller's responsibility to close that socket if it is no longer required.

sock the new socket for communicating with the target host, or null to continue using the old socket. If null is passed, helper objects that depend on the socket should be re-used. In that case, some changes in the parameters will not take effect.
target the new target host of this connection
secure true if this connection is now secure, false if it is not secure
params new parameters for this connection