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Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
implements HttpEntity
   ↳ org.apache.http.entity.AbstractHttpEntity
Known Direct Subclasses
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Abstract base class for entities. Provides the commonly used attributes for streamed and self-contained implementations of HttpEntity .


protected boolean chunked The 'chunked' flag.
protected Header contentEncoding The Content-Encoding header.
protected Header contentType The Content-Type header.
Protected Constructors
AbstractHttpEntity ()
Protected default constructor.
Public Methods
void consumeContent ()
Does not consume anything.
Header getContentEncoding ()
Obtains the Content-Encoding header.
Header getContentType ()
Obtains the Content-Type header.
boolean isChunked ()
Obtains the 'chunked' flag.
void setChunked (boolean b)
Specifies the 'chunked' flag.
void setContentEncoding ( String ceString)
Specifies the Content-Encoding header, as a string.
void setContentEncoding ( Header contentEncoding)
Specifies the Content-Encoding header.
void setContentType ( Header contentType)
Specifies the Content-Type header.
void setContentType ( String ctString)
Specifies the Content-Type header, as a string.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.HttpEntity


protected boolean chunked

Added in API level 1

The 'chunked' flag. Returned by isChunked , unless that method is overridden.

protected Header contentEncoding

Added in API level 1

The Content-Encoding header. Returned by getContentEncoding , unless that method is overridden.

protected Header contentType

Added in API level 1

The Content-Type header. Returned by getContentType , unless that method is overridden.

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractHttpEntity ()

Added in API level 1

Protected default constructor. The attributes of the created object remain null and false , respectively.

Public Methods

public void consumeContent ()

Added in API level 1

Does not consume anything. The default implementation does nothing if isStreaming returns false , and throws an exception if it returns true . This removes the burden of implementing an empty method for non-streaming entities.

IOException in case of an I/O problem
UnsupportedOperationException if a streaming subclass does not override this method

public Header getContentEncoding ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the Content-Encoding header. The default implementation returns the value of the contentEncoding attribute.

  • the Content-Encoding header, or null

public Header getContentType ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the Content-Type header. The default implementation returns the value of the contentType attribute.

  • the Content-Type header, or null

public boolean isChunked ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the 'chunked' flag. The default implementation returns the value of the chunked attribute.

  • the 'chunked' flag

public void setChunked (boolean b)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the 'chunked' flag. The default implementation sets the value of the chunked attribute.

b the new 'chunked' flag

public void setContentEncoding ( String ceString)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the Content-Encoding header, as a string. The default implementation calls setContentEncoding(Header) .

ceString the new Content-Encoding header, or null to unset

public void setContentEncoding ( Header contentEncoding)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the Content-Encoding header. The default implementation sets the value of the contentEncoding attribute.

contentEncoding the new Content-Encoding header, or null to unset

public void setContentType ( Header contentType)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the Content-Type header. The default implementation sets the value of the contentType attribute.

contentType the new Content-Encoding header, or null to unset

public void setContentType ( String ctString)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the Content-Type header, as a string. The default implementation calls setContentType(Header) .

ctString the new Content-Type header, or null to unset