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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements HttpEntity
   ↳ org.apache.http.entity.HttpEntityWrapper
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Base class for wrapping entities. Keeps a wrappedEntity and delegates all calls to it. Implementations of wrapping entities can derive from this class and need to override only those methods that should not be delegated to the wrapped entity.


protected HttpEntity wrappedEntity The wrapped entity.
Public Constructors
HttpEntityWrapper ( HttpEntity wrapped)
Creates a new entity wrapper.
Public Methods
void consumeContent ()
TODO: The name of this method is misnomer.
InputStream getContent ()
Creates a new InputStream object of the entity.
Header getContentEncoding ()
Obtains the Content-Encoding header, if known.
long getContentLength ()
Tells the length of the content, if known.
Header getContentType ()
Obtains the Content-Type header, if known.
boolean isChunked ()
Tells about chunked encoding for this entity.
boolean isRepeatable ()
Tells if the entity is capable to produce its data more than once.
boolean isStreaming ()
Tells whether this entity depends on an underlying stream.
void writeTo ( OutputStream outstream)
Writes the entity content to the output stream.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.HttpEntity


protected HttpEntity wrappedEntity

Added in API level 1

The wrapped entity.

Public Constructors

public HttpEntityWrapper ( HttpEntity wrapped)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new entity wrapper.

wrapped the entity to wrap

Public Methods

public void consumeContent ()

Added in API level 1

TODO: The name of this method is misnomer. It will be renamed to #finish() in the next major release.
This method is called to indicate that the content of this entity is no longer required. All entity implementations are expected to release all allocated resources as a result of this method invocation. Content streaming entities are also expected to dispose of the remaining content, if any. Wrapping entities should delegate this call to the wrapped entity.
This method is of particular importance for entities being received from a connection . The entity needs to be consumed completely in order to re-use the connection with keep-alive.

public InputStream getContent ()

Added in API level 1

Creates a new InputStream object of the entity. It is a programming error to return the same InputStream object more than once. Entities that are not repeatable will throw an exception if this method is called multiple times.

  • a new input stream that returns the entity data.

public Header getContentEncoding ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the Content-Encoding header, if known. This is the header that should be used when sending the entity, or the one that was received with the entity. Wrapping entities that modify the content encoding should adjust this header accordingly.

  • the Content-Encoding header for this entity, or null if the content encoding is unknown

public long getContentLength ()

Added in API level 1

Tells the length of the content, if known.

  • the number of bytes of the content, or a negative number if unknown. If the content length is known but exceeds Long.MAX_VALUE , a negative number is returned.

public Header getContentType ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the Content-Type header, if known. This is the header that should be used when sending the entity, or the one that was received with the entity. It can include a charset attribute.

  • the Content-Type header for this entity, or null if the content type is unknown

public boolean isChunked ()

Added in API level 1

Tells about chunked encoding for this entity. The primary purpose of this method is to indicate whether chunked encoding should be used when the entity is sent. For entities that are received, it can also indicate whether the entity was received with chunked encoding.
The behavior of wrapping entities is implementation dependent, but should respect the primary purpose.

  • true if chunked encoding is preferred for this entity, or false if it is not

public boolean isRepeatable ()

Added in API level 1

Tells if the entity is capable to produce its data more than once. A repeatable entity's getContent() and writeTo(OutputStream) methods can be called more than once whereas a non-repeatable entity's can not.

  • true if the entity is repeatable, false otherwise.

public boolean isStreaming ()

Added in API level 1

Tells whether this entity depends on an underlying stream. Streamed entities should return true until the content has been consumed, false afterwards. Self-contained entities should return false . Wrapping entities should delegate this call to the wrapped entity.
The content of a streamed entity is consumed when the stream returned by getContent has been read to EOF, or after consumeContent has been called. If a streamed entity can not detect whether the stream has been read to EOF, it should return true until consumeContent is called.

  • true if the entity content is streamed and not yet consumed, false otherwise

public void writeTo ( OutputStream outstream)

Added in API level 1

Writes the entity content to the output stream.

outstream the output stream to write entity content to