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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements HttpRoutePlanner
   ↳ org.apache.http.impl.conn.ProxySelectorRoutePlanner

Class Overview

Default implementation of an HttpRoutePlanner . This implementation is based on ProxySelector . By default, it will pick up the proxy settings of the JVM, either from system properties or from the browser running the application. Additionally, it interprets some parameters , though not the DEFAULT_PROXY .


protected ProxySelector proxySelector The proxy selector to use, or null for system default.
protected SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry The scheme registry.
Public Constructors
ProxySelectorRoutePlanner ( SchemeRegistry schreg, ProxySelector prosel)
Creates a new proxy selector route planner.
Public Methods
HttpRoute determineRoute ( HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)
Determines the route for a request.
ProxySelector getProxySelector ()
Obtains the proxy selector to use.
void setProxySelector ( ProxySelector prosel)
Sets the proxy selector to use.
Protected Methods
Proxy , org.apache.http.HttpHost, org.apache.http.HttpRequest, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext)">chooseProxy ( List < Proxy > proxies, HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)
HttpHost determineProxy ( HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)
Determines a proxy for the given target.
String getHost ( InetSocketAddress isa)
Obtains a host from an InetSocketAddress .
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoutePlanner


protected ProxySelector proxySelector

Added in API level 1

The proxy selector to use, or null for system default.

protected SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry

Added in API level 1

The scheme registry.

Public Constructors

public ProxySelectorRoutePlanner ( SchemeRegistry schreg, ProxySelector prosel)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new proxy selector route planner.

schreg the scheme registry
prosel the proxy selector, or null for the system default

Public Methods

public HttpRoute determineRoute ( HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)

Added in API level 1

Determines the route for a request.

target the target host for the request. Implementations may accept null if they can still determine a route, for example to a default target or by inspecting the request.
request the request to execute
context the context to use for the subsequent execution. Implementations may accept null .
  • the route that the request should take

public ProxySelector getProxySelector ()

Added in API level 1

Obtains the proxy selector to use.

  • the proxy selector, or null for the system default

public void setProxySelector ( ProxySelector prosel)

Added in API level 1

Sets the proxy selector to use.

prosel the proxy selector, or null to use the system default

Protected Methods

, org.apache.http.HttpHost, org.apache.http.HttpRequest, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext)">

protected Proxy chooseProxy ( List < Proxy > proxies, HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)

Added in API level 1

protected HttpHost determineProxy ( HttpHost target, HttpRequest request, HttpContext context)

Added in API level 1

Determines a proxy for the given target.

target the planned target, never null
request the request to be sent, never null
context the context, or null
  • the proxy to use, or null for a direct route
HttpException in case of system proxy settings that cannot be handled

protected String getHost ( InetSocketAddress isa)

Added in API level 1

Obtains a host from an InetSocketAddress .

isa the socket address
  • a host string, either as a symbolic name or as a literal IP address string
    (TODO: determine format for IPv6 addresses, with or without [brackets])