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Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPoolEntry
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

A pool entry for use by connection manager implementations. Pool entries work in conjunction with an adapter . The adapter is handed out to applications that obtain a connection. The pool entry stores the underlying connection and tracks the route established. The adapter delegates methods for establishing the route to it's pool entry.
If the managed connections is released or revoked, the adapter gets disconnected, but the pool entry still contains the underlying connection and the established route.


protected final ClientConnectionOperator connOperator The connection operator.
protected final OperatedClientConnection connection The underlying connection being pooled or used.
protected HttpRoute route The route for which this entry gets allocated.
protected Object state Connection state object
protected RouteTracker tracker The tracked route, or null before tracking starts.
Protected Constructors
AbstractPoolEntry ( ClientConnectionOperator connOperator, HttpRoute route)
Creates a new pool entry.
Public Methods
Object getState ()
Returns the state object associated with this pool entry.
void layerProtocol ( HttpContext context, HttpParams params)
Layers a protocol on top of an established tunnel.
void open ( HttpRoute route, HttpContext context, HttpParams params)
Opens the underlying connection.
void setState ( Object state)
Assigns a state object to this pool entry.
void tunnelProxy ( HttpHost next, boolean secure, HttpParams params)
Tracks tunnelling of the connection to a chained proxy.
void tunnelTarget (boolean secure, HttpParams params)
Tracks tunnelling of the connection to the target.
Protected Methods
void shutdownEntry ()
Shuts down the entry.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


protected final ClientConnectionOperator connOperator

Added in API level 1

The connection operator.

protected final OperatedClientConnection connection

Added in API level 1

The underlying connection being pooled or used.

protected HttpRoute route

Added in API level 1

The route for which this entry gets allocated.

protected Object state

Added in API level 1

Connection state object

protected RouteTracker tracker

Added in API level 1

The tracked route, or null before tracking starts.

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractPoolEntry ( ClientConnectionOperator connOperator, HttpRoute route)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new pool entry.

connOperator the Connection Operator for this entry
route the planned route for the connection, or null

Public Methods

public Object getState ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the state object associated with this pool entry.

  • The state object

public void layerProtocol ( HttpContext context, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Layers a protocol on top of an established tunnel.

context the context for layering
params the parameters for layering
IOException in case of a problem

public void open ( HttpRoute route, HttpContext context, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Opens the underlying connection.

route the route along which to open the connection
context the context for opening the connection
params the parameters for opening the connection
IOException in case of a problem

public void setState ( Object state)

Added in API level 1

Assigns a state object to this pool entry.

state The state object

public void tunnelProxy ( HttpHost next, boolean secure, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Tracks tunnelling of the connection to a chained proxy. The tunnel has to be established outside by sending a CONNECT request to the previous proxy.

next the proxy to which the tunnel was established. See ManagedClientConnection.tunnelProxy for details.
secure true if the tunnel should be considered secure, false otherwise
params the parameters for tunnelling the connection
IOException in case of a problem

public void tunnelTarget (boolean secure, HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Tracks tunnelling of the connection to the target. The tunnel has to be established outside by sending a CONNECT request to the (last) proxy.

secure true if the tunnel should be considered secure, false otherwise
params the parameters for tunnelling the connection
IOException in case of a problem

Protected Methods

protected void shutdownEntry ()

Added in API level 1

Shuts down the entry. If open(HttpRoute, HttpContext, HttpParams) is in progress, this will cause that open to possibly throw an IOException .