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Supporting Different Devices

Dependencies and prerequisites

  • Android 1.6 or higher

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Android devices come in many shapes and sizes all around the world. With a wide range of device types, you have an opportunity to reach a huge audience with your app. In order to be as successful as possible on Android, your app needs to adapt to various device configurations. Some of the important variations that you should consider include different languages, screen sizes, and versions of the Android platform.

This class teaches you how to use basic platform features that leverage alternative resources and other features so your app can provide an optimized user experience on a variety of Android-compatible devices, using a single application package (APK).


Supporting Different Languages
Learn how to support multiple languages with alternative string resources.
Supporting Different Screens
Learn how to optimize the user experience for different screen sizes and densities.
Supporting Different Platform Versions
Learn how to use APIs available in new versions of Android while continuing to support older versions of Android.