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How Subdirectories Work

How Subdirectories Work


This section provides details about how subdirectories work in gsutil. Most users probably don’t need to know these details, and can simply use the commands (like cp -R) that work with subdirectories. We provide this additional documentation to help users understand how gsutil handles subdirectories differently than most GUI / web-based tools (e.g., why those other tools create “dir_$folder$” objects), and also to explain cost and performance implications of the gsutil approach, for those interested in such details.

gsutil provides the illusion of a hierarchical file tree atop the “flat” name space supported by the Google Cloud Storage service. To the service, the object gs://bucket/abc/def/ghi.txt is just an object that happens to have “/” characters in its name. There are no “abc” or “abc/def” directories; just a single object with the given name.

gsutil achieves the hierarchical file tree illusion by applying a variety of rules, to try to make naming work the way users would expect. For example, in order to determine whether to treat a destination URI as an object name or the root of a directory under which objects should be copied gsutil uses these rules:

  1. If the destination object ends with a “/” gsutil treats it as a directory. For example, if you run the command:

    gsutil cp file gs://bucket/abc/

    gsutil will create the object gs://bucket/abc/file.

  2. If the destination object is XYZ and an object exists called XYZ_$folder$ gsutil treats XYZ as a directory. For example, if you run the command:

    gsutil cp file gs://bucket/abc

    and there exists an object called abc_$folder$, gsutil will create the object gs://bucket/abc/file.

  3. If you attempt to copy multiple source files to a destination URI, gsutil treats the destination URI as a directory. For example, if you run the command:

    gsutil cp -R dir gs://bucket/abc

    gsutil will create objects like gs://bucket/abc/dir/file1, etc. (assuming file1 is a file under the source dir).

  4. If none of the above rules applies, gsutil performs a bucket listing to determine if the target of the operation is a prefix match to the specified string. For example, if you run the command:

    gsutil cp file gs://bucket/abc

    gsutil will make a bucket listing request for the named bucket, using delimiter=”/” and prefix=”abc”. It will then examine the bucket listing results and determine whether there are objects in the bucket whose path starts with gs://bucket/abc/, to determine whether to treat the target as an object name or a directory name. In turn this impacts the name of the object you create: If the above check indicates there is an “abc” directory you will end up with the object gs://bucket/abc/file; otherwise you will end up with the object gs://bucket/abc. (See “HOW NAMES ARE CONSTRUCTED” under gsutil help cp for more details.)

This rule-based approach stands in contrast to the way many tools work, which create objects to mark the existence of folders (such as “dir_$folder$”). gsutil understands several conventions used by such tools but does not require such marker objects to implement naming behavior consistent with UNIX commands.

A downside of the gsutil approach is it requires an extra bucket listing before performing the needed cp or mv command. However those listings are relatively inexpensive, because they use delimiter and prefix parameters to limit result data. Moreover, gsutil makes only one bucket listing request per cp/mv command, and thus amortizes the bucket listing cost across all transferred objects (e.g., when performing a recursive copy of a directory to the cloud).

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