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API Reference

This guide contains technical reference information for developers who are using, or are interested in using the Google Cloud Storage JSON API. Like the XML API, it is RESTful, but it has slightly different URI endpoints and request syntax, and is specifically intended for better integration into the suite of Google API client libraries .

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.

Resource types

  1. BucketAccessControls
  2. Buckets
  3. ObjectAccessControls
  4. Objects


For BucketAccessControls Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /b/ bucket /acl/ entity Deletes the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket .
get GET  /b/ bucket /acl/ entity Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket .
insert POST  /b/ bucket /acl Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket .
list GET  /b/ bucket /acl Retrieves ACL entries on a specified bucket .
patch PATCH  /b/ bucket /acl/ entity Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket . This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT  /b/ bucket /acl/ entity Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket .


For Buckets Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /b/ bucket Deletes an empty bucket.
get GET  /b/ bucket Returns metadata for the specified bucket.
insert POST  /b Creates a new bucket.
list GET  /b Retrieves a list of buckets for a given project.
patch PATCH  /b/ bucket Updates a bucket. This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT  /b/ bucket Updates a bucket.


For ObjectAccessControls Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl/ entity Deletes the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified object .
get GET  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl/ entity Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified object .
insert POST  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl Creates a new ACL entry on the specified object .
list GET  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl Retrieves ACL entries on the specified object .
patch PATCH  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl/ entity Updates an ACL entry on the specified object . This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT  /b/ bucket /o/ object /acl/ entity Updates an ACL entry on the specified object .


For Objects Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /b/ bucket /o/ object Deletes data blobs and associated metadata.
get GET  /b/ bucket /o/ object Retrieves objects or their associated metadata.
insert POST bucket /o

POST  /b/ bucket /o
Stores new data blobs and associated metadata.
list GET  /b/ bucket /o Retrieves a list of objects matching the criteria.
patch PATCH  /b/ bucket /o/ object Updates a data blob's associated metadata. This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT  /b/ bucket /o/ object Updates a data blob's associated metadata.

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