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Objects: compose

Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket. Try it now or see an example .

The authenticated user must have READER permissions on every source object and WRITER permissions on the destination bucket .


HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
destinationBucket string Name of the bucket in which to store the new object.
destinationObject string Name of the new object.
Optional query parameters
ifGenerationMatch unsigned long Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current generation matches the given value.
ifMetagenerationMatch unsigned long Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current metageneration matches the given value.

Request body

In the request body, supply data with the following structure:

  "kind": "storage#composeRequest",
  "sourceObjects": [
      "name": string,
      "generation": long,
      "objectPreconditions": {
        "ifGenerationMatch": long
  "destination": objects Resource
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string The kind of item this is.
destination nested object Properties of the resulting object writable
sourceObjects[] list The list of source objects that will be concatenated into a single object.
sourceObjects[]. name string The source object's name. The source object's bucket is implicitly the destination bucket. writable
sourceObjects[]. generation long The generation of this object to use as the source. writable
sourceObjects[]. objectPreconditions object Conditions that must be met for this operation to execute.
sourceObjects[].objectPreconditions. ifGenerationMatch long Only perform the composition if the generation of the source object that would be used matches this value. If this value and a generation are both specified, they must be the same value or the call will fail. writable


By default, this responds with an object resource in the response body. If you provide the URL parameter alt=media , then it will respond with the object data in the response body.


Note: The code examples available for this method do not represent all supported programming languages (see the client libraries page for a list of supported languages).


Uses the Python client library .

composite_object_resource = {
        'contentType': 'text/plain',  # required
        'contentLanguage': 'en',
        'metadata': {'my-key': 'my-value'},
compose_req_body = {
        'sourceObjects': [
                {'name': source_object_name_1,
                 'objectPreconditions': {'ifGenerationMatch': source_generation_1}},
                {'name': source_object_name_2,
                 'objectPreconditions': {'ifGenerationMatch': source_generation_2}}],
        'destination': composite_object_resource
req = client.objects().compose(
resp = req.execute()
print json.dumps(resp, indent=2)

Try it!

Use the APIs Explorer below to call this method on live data and see the response. Alternatively, try the standalone Explorer .

Authentication required

You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

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Google Developers needs your permission to do that.