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Android APIs
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

An iterator over a sequence of objects, such as a collection.

If a collection has been changed since the iterator was created, methods next and hasNext() may throw a ConcurrentModificationException . It is not possible to guarantee that this mechanism works in all cases of unsynchronized concurrent modification. It should only be used for debugging purposes. Iterators with this behavior are called fail-fast iterators.

Implementing Iterable and returning an Iterator allows your class to be used as a collection with the enhanced for loop.


Public Methods
abstract boolean hasNext ()
Returns true if there is at least one more element, false otherwise.
abstract E next ()
Returns the next object and advances the iterator.
abstract void remove ()
Removes the last object returned by next from the collection.

Public Methods

public abstract boolean hasNext ()

Added in API level 1

Returns true if there is at least one more element, false otherwise.

See Also

public abstract E next ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the next object and advances the iterator.

  • the next object.
NoSuchElementException if there are no more elements.
See Also

public abstract void remove ()

Added in API level 1

Removes the last object returned by next from the collection. This method can only be called once between each call to next .

UnsupportedOperationException if removing is not supported by the collection being iterated.
IllegalStateException if next has not been called, or remove has already been called after the last call to next .