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Android APIs
public interface


implements Map <K, V>
java.util.SortedMap<K, V>
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A map that has its keys ordered. The sorting is according to either the natural ordering of its keys or the ordering given by a specified comparator.


Public Methods
abstract Comparator <? super K> comparator ()
Returns the comparator used to compare keys in this sorted map, or null if the natural ordering is in use.
abstract K firstKey ()
Returns the least key in this sorted map.
abstract SortedMap <K, V> headMap (K endKey)
Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys that are less than the specified endKey .
abstract K lastKey ()
Returns the greatest key in this sorted map.
abstract SortedMap <K, V> subMap (K startKey, K endKey)
Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys greater than or equal to the specified startKey and less than the specified endKey .
abstract SortedMap <K, V> tailMap (K startKey)
Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys that are greater than or equal to the specified startKey .
Inherited Methods
From interface java.util.Map

Public Methods

public abstract Comparator <? super K> comparator ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the comparator used to compare keys in this sorted map, or null if the natural ordering is in use.

public abstract K firstKey ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the least key in this sorted map.

NoSuchElementException if this sorted map is empty.

public abstract SortedMap <K, V> headMap (K endKey)

Added in API level 1

Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys that are less than the specified endKey . Changes to the returned sorted map are reflected in this sorted map and vice versa.

Note: The returned map will not allow an insertion of a key outside the specified range.

endKey the high boundary of the range specified.
  • a sorted map where the keys are less than endKey .
ClassCastException if the class of the end key is inappropriate for this sorted map.
NullPointerException if the end key is null and this sorted map does not support null keys.
IllegalArgumentException if this map is itself a sorted map over a range of another map and the specified key is outside of its range.

public abstract K lastKey ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the greatest key in this sorted map.

NoSuchElementException if this sorted map is empty.

public abstract SortedMap <K, V> subMap (K startKey, K endKey)

Added in API level 1

Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys greater than or equal to the specified startKey and less than the specified endKey . Changes to the returned sorted map are reflected in this sorted map and vice versa.

Note: The returned map will not allow an insertion of a key outside the specified range.

startKey the low boundary of the range (inclusive).
endKey the high boundary of the range (exclusive),
  • a sorted map with the key from the specified range.
ClassCastException if the class of the start or end key is inappropriate for this sorted map.
NullPointerException if the start or end key is null and this sorted map does not support null keys.
IllegalArgumentException if the start key is greater than the end key, or if this map is itself a sorted map over a range of another sorted map and the specified range is outside of its range.

public abstract SortedMap <K, V> tailMap (K startKey)

Added in API level 1

Returns a sorted map over a range of this sorted map with all keys that are greater than or equal to the specified startKey . Changes to the returned sorted map are reflected in this sorted map and vice versa.

Note: The returned map will not allow an insertion of a key outside the specified range.

startKey the low boundary of the range specified.
  • a sorted map where the keys are greater or equal to startKey .
ClassCastException if the class of the start key is inappropriate for this sorted map.
NullPointerException if the start key is null and this sorted map does not support null keys.
IllegalArgumentException if this map itself a sorted map over a range of another map and the specified key is outside of its range.