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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Structure that groups a position in frame units relative to an assumed audio stream, together with the estimated time when that frame was presented or is committed to be presented. In the case of audio output, "present" means that audio produced on device is detectable by an external observer off device. The time is based on the implementation's best effort, using whatever knowledge is available to the system, but cannot account for any delay unknown to the implementation.


public long framePosition Position in frames relative to start of an assumed audio stream.
public long nanoTime The estimated time when frame was presented or is committed to be presented, in the same units and timebase as nanoTime() .
Public Constructors
AudioTimestamp ()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public long framePosition

Position in frames relative to start of an assumed audio stream. The low-order 32 bits of position is in wrapping frame units similar to getPlaybackHeadPosition() .

public long nanoTime

The estimated time when frame was presented or is committed to be presented, in the same units and timebase as nanoTime() .

Public Constructors

public AudioTimestamp ()