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Android APIs
public static interface


Class Overview

Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the media playback position is requested to be updated.


Public Methods
abstract void onPlaybackPositionUpdate (long newPositionMs)
Called on the implementer to notify it that the playback head should be set at the given position.

Public Methods

public abstract void onPlaybackPositionUpdate (long newPositionMs)

Called on the implementer to notify it that the playback head should be set at the given position. If the position can be changed from its current value, the implementor of the interface must also update the playback position using setPlaybackState(int, long, float) to reflect the actual new position being used, regardless of whether it differs from the requested position. Failure to do so would cause the system to not know the new actual playback position, and user interface components would fail to show the user where playback resumed after the position was updated.

newPositionMs the new requested position in the current media, expressed in ms.