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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Defines the audio source. These constants are used with setAudioSource(int) .


int CAMCORDER Microphone audio source with same orientation as camera if available, the main device microphone otherwise
int DEFAULT Default audio source
int MIC Microphone audio source
int REMOTE_SUBMIX Audio source for a submix of audio streams to be presented remotely.
int VOICE_CALL Voice call uplink + downlink audio source
int VOICE_COMMUNICATION Microphone audio source tuned for voice communications such as VoIP.
int VOICE_DOWNLINK Voice call downlink (Rx) audio source
int VOICE_RECOGNITION Microphone audio source tuned for voice recognition if available, behaves like DEFAULT otherwise.
int VOICE_UPLINK Voice call uplink (Tx) audio source
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int CAMCORDER

Added in API level 7

Microphone audio source with same orientation as camera if available, the main device microphone otherwise

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int DEFAULT

Added in API level 1

Default audio source

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int MIC

Added in API level 1

Microphone audio source

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int REMOTE_SUBMIX

Audio source for a submix of audio streams to be presented remotely.

An application can use this audio source to capture a mix of audio streams that should be transmitted to a remote receiver such as a Wifi display. While recording is active, these audio streams are redirected to the remote submix instead of being played on the device speaker or headset.

Certain streams are excluded from the remote submix, including STREAM_RING , STREAM_ALARM , and STREAM_NOTIFICATION . These streams will continue to be presented locally as usual.

Capturing the remote submix audio requires the CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT permission. This permission is reserved for use by system components and is not available to third-party applications.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int VOICE_CALL

Added in API level 4

Voice call uplink + downlink audio source

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int VOICE_COMMUNICATION

Microphone audio source tuned for voice communications such as VoIP. It will for instance take advantage of echo cancellation or automatic gain control if available. It otherwise behaves like DEFAULT if no voice processing is applied.

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int VOICE_DOWNLINK

Added in API level 4

Voice call downlink (Rx) audio source

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int VOICE_RECOGNITION

Added in API level 7

Microphone audio source tuned for voice recognition if available, behaves like DEFAULT otherwise.

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int VOICE_UPLINK

Added in API level 4

Voice call uplink (Tx) audio source

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)