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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.renderscript.ScriptGroup.Builder

Class Overview

Helper class to build a ScriptGroup. A ScriptGroup is created in two steps.

First, all kernels to be used by the ScriptGroup should be added.

Second, add connections between kernels. There are two types of connections: kernel to kernel and kernel to field. Kernel to kernel allows a kernel's output to be passed to another kernel as input. Kernel to field allows the output of one kernel to be bound as a script global. Kernel to kernel is higher performance and should be used where possible.

A ScriptGroup must contain a single directed acyclic graph (DAG); it cannot contain cycles. Currently, all kernels used in a ScriptGroup must come from different Script objects. Additionally, all kernels in a ScriptGroup must have at least one input, output, or internal connection.

Once all connections are made, a call to create() will return the ScriptGroup object.


Public Constructors
ScriptGroup.Builder ( RenderScript rs)
Create a Builder for generating a ScriptGroup.
Public Methods
ScriptGroup.Builder addConnection ( Type t, Script.KernelID from, Script.KernelID to)
Adds a connection to the group.
ScriptGroup.Builder addConnection ( Type t, Script.KernelID from, Script.FieldID to)
Adds a connection to the group.
ScriptGroup.Builder addKernel ( Script.KernelID k)
Adds a Kernel to the group.
ScriptGroup create ()
Creates the Script group.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ScriptGroup.Builder ( RenderScript rs)

Create a Builder for generating a ScriptGroup.

rs The RenderScript context.

Public Methods

public ScriptGroup.Builder addConnection ( Type t, Script.KernelID from, Script.KernelID to)

Adds a connection to the group.

t The type of the connection. This is used to determine the kernel launch sizes for both sides of this connection.
from The source for the connection.
to The destination of the connection.
  • Builder Returns this

public ScriptGroup.Builder addConnection ( Type t, Script.KernelID from, Script.FieldID to)

Adds a connection to the group.

t The type of the connection. This is used to determine the kernel launch sizes on the source side of this connection.
from The source for the connection.
to The destination of the connection.
  • Builder Returns this

public ScriptGroup.Builder addKernel ( Script.KernelID k)

Adds a Kernel to the group.

k The kernel to add.
  • Builder Returns this.

public ScriptGroup create ()

Creates the Script group.

  • ScriptGroup The new ScriptGroup