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Android APIs
public final class


extends ScriptIntrinsic
   ↳ android.renderscript.BaseObj
     ↳ android.renderscript.Script
       ↳ android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsic
         ↳ android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsic3DLUT

Class Overview

Intrinsic for converting RGB to RGBA by using a 3D lookup table. The incoming r,g,b values are use as normalized x,y,z coordinates into a 3D allocation. The 8 nearest values are sampled and linearly interpolated. The result is placed in the output.


Public Methods
static ScriptIntrinsic3DLUT create ( RenderScript rs, Element e)
Supported elements types are U8_4(RenderScript) The defaults tables are identity.
void forEach ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Invoke the kernel and apply the lookup to each cell of ain and copy to aout.
Script.KernelID getKernelID ()
Get a KernelID for this intrinsic kernel.
void setLUT ( Allocation lut)
Sets the Allocation to be used as the lookup table.
Inherited Methods
From class android.renderscript.Script
From class android.renderscript.BaseObj
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static ScriptIntrinsic3DLUT create ( RenderScript rs, Element e)

Supported elements types are U8_4(RenderScript) The defaults tables are identity.

rs The RenderScript context
e Element type for intputs and outputs
  • ScriptIntrinsic3DLUT

public void forEach ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Invoke the kernel and apply the lookup to each cell of ain and copy to aout.

ain Input allocation
aout Output allocation

public Script.KernelID getKernelID ()

Get a KernelID for this intrinsic kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public void setLUT ( Allocation lut)

Sets the Allocation to be used as the lookup table. The lookup table must use the same Element as the intrinsic.