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Android APIs
public class


extends ScriptIntrinsic
   ↳ android.renderscript.BaseObj
     ↳ android.renderscript.Script
       ↳ android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsic
         ↳ android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlend

Class Overview

Intrinsic kernels for blending two Allocation objects.


Public Methods
static ScriptIntrinsicBlend create ( RenderScript rs, Element e)
Supported elements types are U8_4(RenderScript)
void forEachAdd ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = min(src + dst, 1.0)
void forEachClear ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}
void forEachDst ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = dst This is a NOP.
void forEachDstAtop ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
dst = dst.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb dst.a = src.a
void forEachDstIn ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = dst * src.a
void forEachDstOut ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = dst * (1.0 - src.a)
void forEachDstOver ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = dst + src * (1.0 - dst.a)
void forEachMultiply ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = src * dst
void forEachSrc ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = src
void forEachSrcAtop ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
dst.rgb = src.rgb * dst.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb dst.a = dst.a
void forEachSrcIn ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = src * dst.a
void forEachSrcOut ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = src * (1.0 - dst.a)
void forEachSrcOver ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = src + dst * (1.0 - src.a)
void forEachSubtract ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = max(dst - src, 0.0)
void forEachXor ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)
Sets dst = {src.r ^ dst.r, src.g ^ dst.g, src.b ^ dst.b, src.a ^ dst.a}
Script.KernelID getKernelIDAdd ()
Get a KernelID for the Add kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDClear ()
Get a KernelID for the Clear kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDDst ()
Get a KernelID for the Dst kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstAtop ()
Get a KernelID for the DstAtop kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstIn ()
Get a KernelID for the DstIn kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstOut ()
Get a KernelID for the DstOut kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstOver ()
Get a KernelID for the DstOver kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDMultiply ()
Get a KernelID for the Multiply kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrc ()
Get a KernelID for the Src kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcAtop ()
Get a KernelID for the SrcAtop kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcIn ()
Get a KernelID for the SrcIn kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcOut ()
Get a KernelID for the SrcOut kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcOver ()
Get a KernelID for the SrcOver kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDSubtract ()
Get a KernelID for the Subtract kernel.
Script.KernelID getKernelIDXor ()
Get a KernelID for the Xor kernel.
Inherited Methods
From class android.renderscript.Script
From class android.renderscript.BaseObj
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static ScriptIntrinsicBlend create ( RenderScript rs, Element e)

Supported elements types are U8_4(RenderScript)

rs The RenderScript context
e Element type for inputs and outputs
  • ScriptIntrinsicBlend

public void forEachAdd ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = min(src + dst, 1.0)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachClear ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachDst ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = dst This is a NOP.

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachDstAtop ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

dst = dst.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb dst.a = src.a

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachDstIn ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = dst * src.a

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachDstOut ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = dst * (1.0 - src.a)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachDstOver ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = dst + src * (1.0 - dst.a)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachMultiply ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = src * dst

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSrc ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = src

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSrcAtop ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

dst.rgb = src.rgb * dst.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb dst.a = dst.a

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSrcIn ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = src * dst.a

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSrcOut ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = src * (1.0 - dst.a)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSrcOver ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = src + dst * (1.0 - src.a)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachSubtract ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = max(dst - src, 0.0)

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public void forEachXor ( Allocation ain, Allocation aout)

Sets dst = {src.r ^ dst.r, src.g ^ dst.g, src.b ^ dst.b, src.a ^ dst.a}

ain The source buffer
aout The destination buffer

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDAdd ()

Get a KernelID for the Add kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDClear ()

Get a KernelID for the Clear kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDDst ()

Get a KernelID for the Dst kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstAtop ()

Get a KernelID for the DstAtop kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstIn ()

Get a KernelID for the DstIn kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstOut ()

Get a KernelID for the DstOut kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDDstOver ()

Get a KernelID for the DstOver kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDMultiply ()

Get a KernelID for the Multiply kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrc ()

Get a KernelID for the Src kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcAtop ()

Get a KernelID for the SrcAtop kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcIn ()

Get a KernelID for the SrcIn kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcOut ()

Get a KernelID for the SrcOut kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSrcOver ()

Get a KernelID for the SrcOver kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDSubtract ()

Get a KernelID for the Subtract kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.

public Script.KernelID getKernelIDXor ()

Get a KernelID for the Xor kernel.

  • Script.KernelID The KernelID object.