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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
implements CalendarContract.CalendarCacheColumns
   ↳ android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarCache

Class Overview

CalendarCache stores some settings for calendar including the current time zone for the instances. These settings are stored using a key/value scheme. A KEY must be specified when updating these values.


String KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES The key for updating the time zone used by the provider when it generates the instances table.
String KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES_PREVIOUS The key for reading the last time zone set by the user.
String KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE They key for updating the use of auto/home time zones in Calendar.
String TIMEZONE_TYPE_AUTO The value to write to KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE if the provider should stay in sync with the device's time zone.
String TIMEZONE_TYPE_HOME The value to write to KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE if the provider should use a fixed time zone set by the user.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarCacheColumns
public static final Uri URI The URI to use for retrieving the properties from the Calendar db.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES

The key for updating the time zone used by the provider when it generates the instances table. This should only be written if the type is set to TIMEZONE_TYPE_HOME . A valid time zone id should be written to this field.

Constant Value: "timezoneInstances"

public static final String KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES_PREVIOUS

The key for reading the last time zone set by the user. This should only be read by apps and it will be automatically updated whenever KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES is updated with TIMEZONE_TYPE_HOME set.

Constant Value: "timezoneInstancesPrevious"

public static final String KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE

They key for updating the use of auto/home time zones in Calendar. Valid values are TIMEZONE_TYPE_AUTO or TIMEZONE_TYPE_HOME .

Constant Value: "timezoneType"

public static final String TIMEZONE_TYPE_AUTO

The value to write to KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE if the provider should stay in sync with the device's time zone.

Constant Value: "auto"

public static final String TIMEZONE_TYPE_HOME

The value to write to KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE if the provider should use a fixed time zone set by the user.

Constant Value: "home"


public static final Uri URI

The URI to use for retrieving the properties from the Calendar db.