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Android APIs
protected static interface


implements SyncStateContract.Columns
Known Indirect Subclasses


String COLOR The color as an 8-bit ARGB integer value.
String COLOR_KEY The key used to reference this color.
String COLOR_TYPE The type of color, which describes how it should be used.
int TYPE_CALENDAR This indicateds a color that can be used for calendars.
int TYPE_EVENT This indicates a color that can be used for events.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
From interface android.provider.SyncStateContract.Columns


public static final String COLOR

The color as an 8-bit ARGB integer value. Colors should specify alpha as fully opaque (eg 0xFF993322) as the alpha may be ignored or modified for display. It is reccomended that colors be usable with light (near white) text. Apps should not depend on that assumption, however. Column name.


Constant Value: "color"

public static final String COLOR_KEY

The key used to reference this color. This can be any non-empty string, but must be unique for a given ACCOUNT_TYPE and ACCOUNT_NAME . Column name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "color_index"

public static final String COLOR_TYPE

The type of color, which describes how it should be used. Valid types are TYPE_CALENDAR and TYPE_EVENT . Column name.


Constant Value: "color_type"

public static final int TYPE_CALENDAR

This indicateds a color that can be used for calendars.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int TYPE_EVENT

This indicates a color that can be used for events.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)