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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.provider.ContactsContract.DisplayPhoto

Class Overview

Helper class for accessing full-size photos by photo file ID.

Usage example:

Retrieving a full-size photo by photo file ID (see PHOTO_FILE_ID )
          public InputStream openDisplayPhoto(long photoFileId) {
     Uri displayPhotoUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(DisplayPhoto.CONTENT_URI, photoKey);
     try {
         AssetFileDescriptor fd = getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(
             displayPhotoUri, "r");
         return fd.createInputStream();
     } catch (IOException e) {
         return null;


String DISPLAY_MAX_DIM Queries to CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI will contain this column, populated with the maximum height and width (in pixels) that will be stored for a display photo.
String THUMBNAIL_MAX_DIM Queries to CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI will contain this column, populated with the height and width (in pixels) for photo thumbnails.
public static final Uri CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI This URI allows the caller to query for the maximum dimensions of a display photo or thumbnail.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for this class, which allows access to full-size photos, given a key.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String DISPLAY_MAX_DIM

Queries to CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI will contain this column, populated with the maximum height and width (in pixels) that will be stored for a display photo. Larger photos will be down-sized to fit within a square of this many pixels.

Constant Value: "display_max_dim"

public static final String THUMBNAIL_MAX_DIM

Queries to CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI will contain this column, populated with the height and width (in pixels) for photo thumbnails.

Constant Value: "thumbnail_max_dim"


public static final Uri CONTENT_MAX_DIMENSIONS_URI

This URI allows the caller to query for the maximum dimensions of a display photo or thumbnail. Requests to this URI can be performed on the UI thread because they are always unblocking.

public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

The content:// style URI for this class, which allows access to full-size photos, given a key.