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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
implements BaseColumns Contacts.PhotosColumns
   ↳ android.provider.Contacts.Photos

This class was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Class Overview

The photos over all of the people


String CONTENT_DIRECTORY This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String NON_SYNCABLE_ACCOUNT Used to indicate that this account is not synced
String NON_SYNCABLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE Used to indicate that this account is not synced
String _SYNC_ACCOUNT The account that was used to sync the entry to the device.
String _SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE The type of the account that was used to sync the entry to the device.
String _SYNC_DIRTY Used to indicate that local, unsynced, changes are present.
String _SYNC_ID The unique ID for a row assigned by the sync source.
String _SYNC_LOCAL_ID Used in temporary provider while syncing, always NULL for rows in persistent providers.
String _SYNC_MARK Used only in persistent providers, and only during merging.
String _SYNC_TIME The last time, from the sync source's point of view, that this row has been synchronized.
String _SYNC_VERSION The version of the row, as assigned by the server.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
From interface android.provider.Contacts.PhotosColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI This field was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String CONTENT_DIRECTORY

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

The directory twig for this sub-table

Constant Value: "photo"

public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

The default sort order for this table

Constant Value: "person ASC"

public static final String NON_SYNCABLE_ACCOUNT

Used to indicate that this account is not synced

Constant Value: "non_syncable"

public static final String NON_SYNCABLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE

Used to indicate that this account is not synced

Constant Value: "android.local"

public static final String _SYNC_ACCOUNT

The account that was used to sync the entry to the device.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "_sync_account"

public static final String _SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE

The type of the account that was used to sync the entry to the device.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "_sync_account_type"

public static final String _SYNC_DIRTY

Used to indicate that local, unsynced, changes are present.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "_sync_dirty"

public static final String _SYNC_ID

The unique ID for a row assigned by the sync source. NULL if the row has never been synced.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "_sync_id"

public static final String _SYNC_LOCAL_ID

Used in temporary provider while syncing, always NULL for rows in persistent providers.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "_sync_local_id"

public static final String _SYNC_MARK

Used only in persistent providers, and only during merging.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "_sync_mark"

public static final String _SYNC_TIME

The last time, from the sync source's point of view, that this row has been synchronized.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "_sync_time"

public static final String _SYNC_VERSION

The version of the row, as assigned by the server.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "_sync_version"


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Added in API level 1

This field was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

The content:// style URL for this table