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Android APIs
protected static interface


implements ContactsContract.BaseSyncColumns
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Columns that appear when each row of a table belongs to a specific account, including sync information that an account may need.


String ACCOUNT_NAME The name of the account instance to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_TYPE identifies a specific account.
String ACCOUNT_TYPE The type of account to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_NAME identifies a specific account.
String DIRTY Flag indicating that VERSION has changed, and this row needs to be synchronized by its owning account.
String SOURCE_ID String that uniquely identifies this row to its source account.
String VERSION Version number that is updated whenever this row or its related data changes.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.ContactsContract.BaseSyncColumns


public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME

Added in API level 5

The name of the account instance to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_TYPE identifies a specific account.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "account_name"

public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE

Added in API level 5

The type of account to which this row belongs, which when paired with ACCOUNT_NAME identifies a specific account.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "account_type"

public static final String DIRTY

Added in API level 5

Flag indicating that VERSION has changed, and this row needs to be synchronized by its owning account.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "dirty"

public static final String SOURCE_ID

Added in API level 5

String that uniquely identifies this row to its source account.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "sourceid"

public static final String VERSION

Added in API level 5

Version number that is updated whenever this row or its related data changes.


Constant Value: "version"