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Pub/Sub Messaging on the Mobile Backend Starter

The Mobile Backend provides a Pub/Sub messaging mechanism in CloudBackendMessaging (subclass of the CloudBackendAsync ). Pub/Sub messaging is a software architectural pattern to describe a N:N message broadcasting between Publishers (message senders) and Subscribers (message receivers). The Mobile Backend relies on Google Cloud Messaging to push messages to Android devices and Apple Push Notification Service to push to iOS devices.

Subscribing to Cloud messages

The mobile backend enables devices to subscribe to topics on the backend. A topic is represented as a unique String . To subscribe to messages on a topic you first need to define a handler using CloudCallbackHandler :

CloudCallbackHandler<List<CloudEntity>> handler =
  new CloudCallbackHandler<List<CloudEntity>>() {
    public void onComplete(List<CloudEntity> messages) {
      /* message processing logic */

You can also override the onError() for error handling logic.

To subscribe the handler to a topic, create a CloudBackendMessaging instance (passing your Activity or any Context instance) and call subscribeToCloudMessage() , passing a topic identifier (the String that uniquely represents the topic, e.g. "dogs" in the example) and the handler:

CloudBackendMessaging cloudBackendMessaging = new CloudBackendMessaging(activity);
cloudBackendMessaging.subscribeToCloudMessage("dogs", handler);

Sending a Cloud message

To send a message:

  1. Create the message using createCloudMessage() : pass the topicId in the CloudBackendMessaging instance.
  2. In the returned CloudEntity that represents the message, invoke put() to add key-value pairs to the message.
  3. Use sendCloudMessage() to send the message to the subscribers.

The snippet below shows how to do all this:

CloudEntity ce = cloudBackendMessaging.createCloudMessage("dogs");
ce.put("dog-name", "Fido");
ce.put("dog-age", "5 days");
ce.put("message", "I have a new puppy!");

The received messages are passed to the handler’s onComplete() method as a CloudEntity List. You can write code to update UI components with the messages. In this way, developers can implement the logic behind a real-time chat application with about 10 lines of code.

Receiving offline messages

Call subscribeToCloudMessage() method to start receiving messages sent after the subscription call. However developers may want to receive older messages sent to a topic before the subscription was added. To do this, you can specify a third argument on the method call:

    cloudBackendMessaging.subscribeToCloudMessage("dog", handler, 50);

As shown, the client will receive up to 50 messages sent in the past. This feature is useful for receiving messages missed due to network connectivity or inactivity of the client app.

The pub/sub messaging feature is implemented by using a Continuous Query . It creates a special entity Kind called _CloudMessages on Datastore to store the messages. When insertions with that kind and a specified topicId are made, the CloudBackendMessaging class receives the inserted message via a continuous query. Thus, all the messages are persisted on Datastore and can be retrieved later, even if the client app loses network connection.

In the [Guestbook sample] (, the CloudBackendFragment class will automatically subscribe you to messages of broadcast ID _broadcast if the Fragment is added to your Activity.

Broadcast messages to activities

The Cloud Backend API can also broadcast messages. The CloudBackendActivity class provides a broadcasting implementation based on pub/sub messaging. The two sample classes, GuestbookActivity class and SocialTalkActivity class are good examples of how to use this feature.

You must subclass CloudBackendActivity :

    public class GuestbookActivity extends CloudBackendActivity {

CloudBackendFragment is a Fragment to be used as the basis of one of your Android screen's UI. Adding this Fragment to any Activity automatically performs basic subscriptions and registers listeners for you. The Fragment follows a standard Listener pattern of interaction with the Activity: your Activity must implement the Listener within the Fragment.

The CloudBackendFragment class has the following method within its Listener for message broadcasting: onBroadcastMessageReceived() . The GuestbookActivity implements the method to receive broadcast messages and show them to the user as Toasts :

    public void onBroadcastMessageReceived(List<CloudEntity> l) {
      for (CloudEntity e : l) {
        String message = (String) e.get("message");
        int duration = Integer.parseInt((String) e.get("duration"));
        Toast.makeText(this, message, duration).show();

The snippet above retrieves two properties, message and duration , from the message to show a Toast with the message for the duration. You can also send messages with durations via the Send Cloud Message section of the Mobile Backend Settings page.

Broadcasting is implemented as a Cloud Message with a topicId _broadcast . To send a broadcast message, create a new message and then use the backend’s insert() method to send it:

CloudEntity cd = new CloudEntity("Guestbook");
cd.put("message", "my broadcast message");
    ce.put("duration", "5");
    cloudBackend.insert(ce, handler);

An example of this in usage can be found in the GuestbookActivity class.

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