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gcloud preview app run

gcloud-preview-app-run - Run your app in a local development server.
gcloud preview app run
  [--admin-host ADMIN_HOST]
  [--api-host API_HOST]
  [--appidentity-email-address APPIDENTITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS]
  [--appidentity-private-key-path APPIDENTITY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH]
  [--auth-domain AUTH_DOMAIN; default=""]
  [--blobstore-path BLOBSTORE_PATH]
  [--datastore-consistency-policy DATASTORE_CONSISTENCY_POLICY; default="time"]
  [--datastore-path DATASTORE_PATH]
  [--default-gcs-bucket-name DEFAULT_GCS_BUCKET_NAME]
  [--format FORMAT]
  [--host HOST]
  [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
  [--logs-path LOGS_PATH]
  [--max-module-instances MAX_MODULE_INSTANCES]
  [--project PROJECT]
  [--python-startup-script PYTHON_STARTUP_SCRIPT]
  [--quiet, -q]
  [--smtp-host SMTP_HOST]
  [--smtp-password SMTP_PASSWORD]
  [--smtp-user SMTP_USER]
  [--storage-path STORAGE_PATH]
The directories and files for the modules you want to run. Files are module files in .yaml format. Directories will expand to all .yaml files within it, or may be an unpacked Java WAR directory.
--admin-host ADMIN_HOST
The host and port on which to start the admin server (in the format host:port)
Make files specified in the app.yaml "skip_files" or "static" clauses readable by the application.
--api-host API_HOST
The host and port on which to start the API server (in the format host:port)
--appidentity-email-address APPIDENTITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
Email address associated with a service account that has a downloadable key. May be None for no local application identity.
--appidentity-private-key-path APPIDENTITY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
Path to private key file associated with service account (.pem format). Must be set if appidentity-email-address is set.
--auth-domain AUTH_DOMAIN
Name of the authorization domain to use
--blobstore-path BLOBSTORE_PATH
Path to directory used to store blob contents (defaults to a subdirectory of --storage-path if not set)
Clear the datastore on startup
--datastore-consistency-policy DATASTORE_CONSISTENCY_POLICY
The policy to apply when deciding whether a datastore write should appear in global queries
--datastore-path DATASTORE_PATH
Path to a file used to store datastore contents (defaults to a file in --storage-path if not set)
--default-gcs-bucket-name DEFAULT_GCS_BUCKET_NAME
Default Google Cloud Storage bucket name
Use the "sendmail" tool to transmit e-mail sent using the Mail API (ignored if --smtp-host is set)
--format FORMAT
Specify a format for printed output. By default, a command-specific human-friendly output format is used. Setting this flag to one of the available options will serialize the result of the command in the chosen format and print it to stdout. Supported formats are: "json", "text", "yaml".
Display detailed help.
--host HOST
The host and port on which to start the local web server (in the format host:port)
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
The minimum verbosity of logs from your app that will be displayed in the terminal. (debug, info, warning, critical, error) Defaults to current verbosity setting.
--logs-path LOGS_PATH
Path to a file used to store request logs (defaults to a file in --storage-path if not set)
--max-module-instances MAX_MODULE_INSTANCES
The maximum number of runtime instances that can be started for a particular module - the value can be an integer, in which case all modules are limited to that number of instances, or a comma-separated list of module:max_instances, e.g. default:5,backend:3
--project PROJECT
Google Cloud Platform project to use for this invocation.
--python-startup-script PYTHON_STARTUP_SCRIPT
The script to run at the startup of new Python runtime instances (useful for tools such as debuggers)
Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised.
Generate an error on datastore queries that require a composite index not found in index.yaml
Logs the contents of e-mails sent using the Mail API
Allow TLS to be used when the SMTP server announces TLS support (ignored if --smtp-host is not set)
--smtp-host SMTP_HOST
The host and port of an SMTP server to use to transmit e-mail sent using the Mail API, in the format host:port
--smtp-password SMTP_PASSWORD
Password to use when connecting to the SMTP server specified with --smtp-host
--smtp-user SMTP_USER
Username to use when connecting to the SMTP server specified with --smtp-host
--storage-path STORAGE_PATH
The default location for storing application data. Can be overridden for specific kinds of data using --datastore-path, --blobstore-path, and/or --logs-path
Use mtime polling for detecting source code changes - useful if modifying code from a remote machine using a distributed file system
Print a summary help and exit.

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