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gcloud preview app get-logs

gcloud-preview-app-get-logs - Get the logs for a version of your app.
gcloud preview app get-logs
  [--days DAYS]
  [--end-date END_DATE]
  [--format FORMAT]
  [--project PROJECT]
  [--quiet, -q]
  [--server SERVER]
  [--severity SEVERITY]
  --version VERSION
  [--vhost VHOST]
The module to get the logs for.
The file to write the logs to. If "-" or if not given, logs are printed to standard out.
Append the logs to an existing file.
--days DAYS
The number of days worth of logs to get. Use 0 for all available logs. Default is 1 day, unless --append is given; then it is 0
--end-date END_DATE
End date (as YYYY-MM-DD) of period for log data. Defaults to today.
--format FORMAT
Specify a format for printed output. By default, a command-specific human-friendly output format is used. Setting this flag to one of the available options will serialize the result of the command in the chosen format and print it to stdout. Supported formats are: "json", "text", "yaml".
Display detailed help.
Include all available data in each log line.
Include virtual host name in each log line.
--project PROJECT
Google Cloud Platform project to use for this invocation.
Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised.
--server SERVER
The App Engine server to connect to.
--severity SEVERITY
The severity of app level logs to get. If not given, only request logs are returned.
--version VERSION
The version of the app you want to download the logs for.
--vhost VHOST
Only return log messages from this virtual host. Defaults to all virtual hosts.
Print a summary help and exit.

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